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Colin opened his eyes, yawning like crazy and shielding his eyes from the bright light outside. He'd taken the rest of the day sleeping; He'd been strangely tired lately.

Libby opened the door to his room, startling him.

"Colin!" She said. "Come to the main room; we're playing Truth or Dare."

"Libby!" He said. "For the last time don't come into my room without knocking. Please and thank you."

"Just come on; get out of these blankets." Libby said, pulling the warm blankets off him and exposing him to the outside world.

"Alright give me a second." Colin said.

Libby walked out the room, and he grabbed his Wish Pendant; a golden coin he was given. He considers it his good luck charm.

He opened the door, and found the others sitting on the couches waiting for the game. Nicholas and Piper sat in the corner, having an immense conversation that didn't involve talking. Weird. Leona, Scott, Philip, and Clover sat together, talking. Peter and Gemma were, as usual, chatting away while Tessa shushed them every few minutes.

Scarlet and Orrin were in the other corner, staying out of society as much as possible because civilization is overrated. Why is it even a thing? It's the... (Yea as a Canadian I had to censor that... the original plan was for the narrator to go on an entire tangent about how society is overrated and whatnot... so I had to cut it out. I mean... I can go on an entire rant but I don't want to... though society is probably the worst thing ever. Mmmmmmmmm... nah capitalism is the worst. I should stop; the FBI is onto me even in Canada...)

Astra and Austin weren't sitting, instead tossing a star-ball around, bored.

Libby clapped her hands together, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"So, we're playing Truth or Dare!" Libby said.


"Yay?" Ganymede asked.

"So, everyone, gather around. I'll go first because I'm the host here." Libby said.

Austin and Astra sat down, and Orrin took a 2 second glance at Libby and then looked away uninterested.

Sage sat up, waiting for Libby to start the game.

"So..." Libby glanced around, her gaze landing on Nico. "Nico, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare?" Nico said, though it sounded more like a question than an answer.

"I dare you to talk to Sir Pluto in a Wishing accent for an entire day." Libby said.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Nico said.

*The next day...*

"Sir, when is the next assignment due?" Nico asked, his terrible British accent making everyone stifle laughter.

"The day after tomorrow; and why are you talking like that? You've been talking like that for this entire class." Sir Pluto said.

"There's nothin' wrong, mate." Nico said, activating his rather decent Australian accent. "Though I do have some work not done right now..."

"Can you talk properly?" the second teacher, Professor Lyra asked.

"Ok." Nico said, speaking properly now.

"Ok; Let's continue our-"

"But Sir!" Nico said, speaking in a European French accent. "I still have-"


*Camera cuts away*

"Well that's gonna suck." Ganymede said. "Nico, go."

Nico rubbed his hands, glancing at Nicholas and Piper looking at each other as if they were talking, but their mouths aren't moving and no sound is coming out...

"Nicholas." he said. "Truth or Dare."

Nicholas snapped his head at him, and his voice spoke in his head: "Truth.", scaring the stars out of Nico.

"Nicholas!" Piper chided. "You're speaking in his mind!"

"Oops. Sorry." he said. "Too used now..."

"Truth you say? Then tell me... HOW ARE YOU TALKING WITH PIPER IN YOUR MINDS!?!?!?" he said.

"I don't even know." Piper admitted. "It just happened."

"Like you and I happened." Nicholas said sweetly.

"Aww... Picholas in their natural habitat." Ganymede said.

"Ok. Nicholas go!" Libby said excitedly.

Nicholas looked around, before a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"Uh oh." Andrew said. "He's planning something..."

"Libby!" He said. "Truth or Dare?"

Pick dare. He said in her mind. I have something you're gonna love.

"Dare." Libby said.

"I dare you to..." Nicholas looked at Colin. "Find Colin a soul-mate."

Colin chokes on his ginger ale. "Excuse me?"

"I ACCEPT!" Libby yelled excitedly. "Oh Colin you're gonna love this!"

"Nicholas what have you done..." Colin asked.

*The following week...*

Get up Colin..." Libby said. "Come on."


"Come on; I have some people I want you to meet..."


"Come on; everyone needs someone in their lives-"

"First, I'm not even 16." Colin said. "Second, I'm not interested in girls as of now and I'm not looking for some intimate romantic relationship. Third, it was a dare for stars sake."

"Yes." Libby said. "But hey, look at this! Her name's-"

"OH MY __________________" (I have to censor this).

By the end of the month, Colin had to resist the urge to pummel Libby into the dirt. Which isn't hard, but Colin didn't want to go to jail for murder.

Star Darlings; The Other 12-- Tales of the Night SkyWhere stories live. Discover now