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Sir Pluto sat knelt before the statue of his late friend. Lady Stella had been given a monument not too far from Starling Academy, where her statue was built. A small engraving that read Here stands Lady Stella, the mentor of the Star Darlings who gave her life for the better of Starland. May you live on in our memories and our hearts.

Sir Pluto knew that Nicholas had constructed this himself, along with the help of the other Star Darlings. Why? Because the statue was an ice statue painted to look just like her. And only one person was close enough to Stella to make this.

(And yes, Sir Pluto is older than Lady Stella and thus calls her by her first name. Deal with it.)

"I really do wonder what you're doing up there," Sir Pluto said to the statue. "Y'know, in the Afterglow and whatnot." he palmed a small coin from his pockets. "I wonder when I will join you, Io, and Titan up there. Soon, I guess."

"You still have a couple of decades left, old man." A familiar voice said behind him. Pluto turned to find Nicholas' grandpa, arms crossed, and a bittersweet smile plastered on his face.

"Why are you here-"

"Sending a message," he said, kneeling beside him. "Stella asked me to send you a message."

Sir Pluto flipped the coin in his hand, seeing it land on its edge and continue spinning. He was in a dream.

"Why could Stella deliver it herself?" he asked. "Surely she can-"

"Nope," Nicholas' grandpa interrupted. "I'm the only one that can access the living and the dead."


"Either it's because I've lived for so long on the edge of death but not really dying," He guessed. "Or the ghosts from the Sanctuary gave me this ability, just in case."

"Well, what do you have for me, old friend?" Sir Pluto asked.

"Well, first things first." He sat down. "A lot of messages from Io and Titan. Great people, very chill. They were worried about your health but seeing as you took the full power of my grandson's crystal and isn't in a coma, I think you're good."

"Still as mischievous and witty as always, I see," Sir Pluto said dryly. "What about Stella?"

"Oh her," Nicholas' grandpa said, smiling. "A good few; it was a shame she even passed this early. If only I had killed the Chancellor all those years ago..."

"It wasn't your fault."

"Nothing is ever my fault," he said, looking at Sir Pluto. "For once I want to take the blame for my failures. To be blamed and accepting your failures is part of everyone's lives, and yet I haven't been blamed at all for the last two thousand years."

He sighed. "Still with the philosophy?"

"Still with the philosophy," he confirmed.

"Get to the point."

"Stella told you to savour the last few decades to unravel any history, to cross things off your bucket list, and just spend the last years doing what you want to do."

"Typical of her," he said, smiling. "Anything else?"

"Well, she says that everyone you loved and knew will be here, waiting for you to come home," Nicholas' grandpa said. "I was guessing that was your greatest fear?"

"Mhm." he nodded.

Sir Pluto's fear, now that he was that old, was that he'll outlive everyone and there won't be anyone waiting for him on the other side. That even in the Afterglow he'll be alone. But now, he knew that his friends and family will be there, waiting for him. And now, he was free to concentrate on his other fear. The fear of leaving history untouched, that he'll leave some people behind in the more critical times, and that he'll be a disappointment even in death.

"Thank you, Stella, thank you." He whispered, a tear falling down his cheek.

"She can't hear you."

"So just tell her that I said thank you!"

"Ok ok," Nicholas' grandpa said. "Well, see you next time I have a message to deliver."

"The great Assassin Grandmaster," Sir Pluto joked. "Now a mailman."

"Hey, at least I get into a lot of relationships," He winked. "Goodbye, Pluto."

He disintegrated into stardust, and after a few moments, Sir Pluto flipped his coin again. This time, it landed on heads. He was out of the dream.

Getting up from the ground, he took a deep breath, knowing what he'll do for the last few decades.

Star Darlings; The Other 12-- Tales of the Night SkyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora