A Meeting With Their Creator (ME) (NONCANONICAL)

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Nicholas: So... why does this guy look so like Colin?

Me: Well you're in an alternate universe where you get to meet the person who created you! So I'll take a little credit for my idea.

Colin: You still have not explained why-

Me: Because I based myself off you you; alright? Is that a good answer?

Colin: meh.

Piper: I'm just glad he shipped us. *Kisses Nicholas*

Me: Well I was planning something during the sequel but scrapped the idea.

Piper and Nicholas at the same time: WHAT!?!?

Me: It's nothing.

Orrin: Well I do have to ask... why did you ship me with Scarlet? Not that I'm complaining...

Me: Well I had someone request this, and you two are the only 2 left in the original story besides bad guy Cyrus and Adora. Oh right I need to find her a ship.

Adora: Thank you for the attention.

Me: Hey no need to get snippy; besides, there's 24 of you and I didn't write the pairings until now. Sorry though.

Peter: Well that sucks...

Me: Not as much as me forgetting to add Peter for the first dozen parts of the book until I realized there's 11 male SD.

Peter: WHAT!?

Me: yeah you're like a neglected child. Deal with it kid.

Peter: You're 12!

Me: I'm 13 please and thank you.

Andrew: Well that also sucks that Peter was never given a background story. Will you ever do that? Cyrus never had one too.

Me: Cyrus I already planned ahead; after the sequel I'll work on a prequel story that's basically about the earlier generations of male SDs, with Aiden, Nicholas, Austin, you Andrew, and the 8 other boys. Peter... he's not important for the plot so I'd put his background story in the one-shot collection.

Peter: Wow dude, just WOW.

Me: Suck it kid.

Libby: That wasn't nice...

Me: lol.

Nicholas: I have a question... What happened to connect me and Piper's mind?

Me: If I told you it was Sir Pluto would you trust me?

Nicholas: Hmm... yes.

Me: Then it's through the power of extreme shipping and divine intervention.

Nicholas: Wow.

Me: That's what lots of people say about me. Wow.

Everyone: Wow.

Me: Mhm. See?

Astra: Also, where's Leebeau?

Me: Nowhere and everywhere, Astra. Also, I didn't know Leebeau existed until I read your book, but by then Austra was already underway.

Austin: hmm. Sad to think that I took his place.

Me: lol. I was planning something in the sequel again, but it didn't work out.

Both of them: WHAT!?

Me: Don't worry about it.

Orrin: Seems like you have lots of cancelled ideas.

Me: Which is going to happen non canonically in this collection of one-shots. Be ready for pain.

Colin: You didn't mean that right?

Me: I mean... if you say so.

Peter: That makes no sense.

Me: like you.

Nico: Do you have a bone to pick with Peter?

Me: Yes he's actually based on my little brother and I have an entire skeleton to pick with him.


Me: For the fun of it.

Gemma: Even though it's rude, it's pretty funny watching him roast Peter.

Me: Was that even a roast? I have a hard time roasting people; I'm just painfully honest.

Scott: Can we go back now?

Me: Yes but actually no.

Scott: -_-

Nicholas: I like this guy.

Me: Thank you, my own creation.

Sage: We're your creation?

Me: No, the boys are. The girls aren't.

Leona: Comforting, considering we're literally cancelled.

Me: Yeah there's been like nothing from the author for so long; they say it's on hold for an exciting reason, but no, it's just that this franchise is cancelled. Next thing you know, Disney will make another TV show, and add you to Disney+.

Scarlet: Comforting.

Leona: For once we agreed on something.

Piper: Also, I want to ask, why do you focus on me? Like, most people are Sage stans.

Me: First off, Sage is overrated.

Sage: I'm right here...

Me: Who's talking?

Sage: ugh...

Me: Besides; I didn't read Sage's book first; I read yours before everyone else's, and to this day you're my favourite.

Libby: Who starts reading a 12 book series from book 7?

Me: I found this series by reading book 7. Deal with it.

Nicholas: *Smiles* So then you ship me with Piper.

Me: yes.

Nicholas: What about Colin? Are you planning something for him?

Colin: Nicholas...

Me: I am... though it's not happening right now. Lucky for you Colin, you're staying single, but don't give me any ideas.

Colin: Phew.

Me: I just had an idea for you Colin.

Colin: YOU SAID-

Me: I said not to give me any ideas and you just did.


Me: Inspiration comes from the weirdest places. Also, I activated my fan-boy half of me while writing something and... yeah I'm pretty sure I'd want a ship for you. Maybe I'll strap a rocket or something to the back of it and name it-

Colin: STOP!

Me: Says my Alter Ego.

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