Nico's Apology

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Nico sat back, having survived the ordeal that was Nicholas' wrath from saying Halo 4 is the best. The following events shall never happen again, nor be spoken of. For his own sake; Nicholas warned him personally.

And now he's excluded from his grandpa's inheritance until 21. The drinking age for the US. Great.

Colin and Nicholas entered the room, laughing and patting each other's shoulders. Nico felt a flash of jealousy; that was how he'd hoped Nicholas would be with him. Instead, Colin is more of a brother to him than... well, his real brother. He knew that Nicholas and Colin had been through life and death together, but didn't he and Nicholas go through that as well when they were young? He couldn't help but think that Nicholas didn't care about him at all.

Another flash, this time guilt, went through his mind. If he'd hadn't listened to his mother if he hadn't been so afraid and told the village about Nicholas, how would history have turned out? Would he and Nicholas have still been as close as they were? Would any of the events that happened... from the SD, the Brotherhood, the Wish missions... have happened without Nicholas and him? Would there have been a better ending, somewhere down that road?

Nico snapped out of his trance. It's all in the past now-- He's forgiven you. Stop beating yourself down every time.

He watched as Nicholas went to grab something in his room. Colin glanced over, seeing his expression. His usual sharp expression softened, realizing what Nico's thinking. He gave a pitying look to Nico before Nicholas came out.

They walked out again, probably to meet up with the girls. The other boys were too. Nico had excused himself, tired and sleepy.

He went to his room, a now depressed Nico instead of the usual cheerful boy. Nico decided to go to sleep early; so he shut off the lights and rolled onto his bed as sleep overtook him immediately.

"Hey, sleepyhead!" Sage's voice woke him up from his slumber. She sat over him, her smile making him feel like the brightest star in the sky.

"Saaaaaaaaaaaaaage." He whined. "It's barely 3 am..."

"Yeah, but I wanted to see if you're alright," Sage said, putting a hand on his face. "Colin said something was bothering you. Also, you drool when you sleep. Did you know that?"

"No..." Nico said.

Sage pulled him out from under the blankets, making him shiver. She wrapped her arms around him, and he settled into her embrace.

"You had to wake me up at this time." He grumbled.

"Y'know, the closer we get, the more you just seem like a cute, huggable teddy bear," Sage said, giggled lightly.

"You just noticed that about me?" Nico asked sleepily. "Those are my best qualities..."

Sage giggled again.

Nico didn't laugh like he'd usually do, which is a sure sign to Sage that something's wrong.

Sage lifted his head gently, looking deep into his leaf green eyes. "I know something's wrong, Nico." She whispered against his lips. "Tell me."

Nico spilled all the beans; how he's jealous of Colin, how he wondered how history would be different if he wasn't a coward, and how he wished he and Nicholas would be as close as they were before. Nico felt his eyes tear up, but Sage brushed them away, still looking into his eyes.

"Nico... you need to talk to him," Sage said.

"I've been trying to for the past year," Nico said.

"No, not just chatting," Sage said. "If you ever get the chance, try and bring up the past; If I know Nicholas, he'll listen. Apologize to him about what happened all those years ago. That's what I suggest."

Nico snuggled further into the hug, thinking about Sage's suggestion (Say it with me: Sage's suggestion. I had a hard time pronouncing this.)

Nico closed his eyes, starting to drift back into the realm of dreams again. Sage started rocking him, like how a mother would rock a baby to sleep.

(The next day)

Nico opened his eyes to find a cluster of purple hair right in front of his face. Sage had collapsed on him when he'd fallen asleep.

Sage was stirring, opening her eyes.

"Saaaaaaaaaaaage," Nico said. "Get off me..."

He gently pushed her off and rolled away, breathing heavily from the lack of air.

Sage laughed. "Was it really that suffocating?"

"Yes..." Nico said.

"Whoops." Sage shrugged. "I gotta go; I don't want to explain to Lady Stella why I slept in your room."

"Yeah, you better," Nico said.

"Take care," Sage said, kissing Nico on the forehead before walking out.

After explaining to Phil why Sage was in his room and assuring him nothing happened between the two of them and begging him not to tell Tessa, Nico went to the cafe to get some drinks before the rush of students heading to class overwhelmed him.

He saw Nicholas somewhere, but he was too busy eating his star-cakes to notice Nico.

After PE, Nico found himself alone in the locker room with Nicholas, who is currently getting ready for Astral Accounting class.

"Nicholas," Nico called from behind him. "Do... Do you have some time to talk? Just asking."

"Yeah, Piper and I were going out at noon."

"No, like... alone. You know..."

A look of realization came to Nicholas' face. He smiled. "Of course. After the SD classes."


Nico approached the dock he'd seen Nicholas and Piper always go to. He fidgeted nervously. Nicholas was already there waiting for him. He was sitting on the edge of the dock,

"Hey brother," Nicholas said. "You wanted to talk?"

"Yeah..." Nico sat down beside him. "So... I want to apologize."

"For what?"

"For... causing everything," Nico said. "For ratting you out to the village, for forcing you from our home... I'm sorry, I really am."

Nicholas smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I've forgiven you years ago, Nico. It's not your fault. It's really my fault that I neglected you for so long; I saw the jealous expression on your face last night."

Nico looked away, embarrassed.

"It's fine, really," Nicholas said. "I was trying to open up to you. I just didn't know how."

"So, brothers?" Nico asked.


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