Nico Gets Disowned Over Games...

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Another exhausting day of school. Piper said to Nicholas. When is this ever going to end?! She yawned.

The two were curled up next to each other in the commons room after an exhausting day of hell- I mean school.

About another few months and I'm out. YAY!

I'm still going to be here!

I did not consider that... Maybe I should fail to stay a year.

NO! Don't you dare do that. Piper said, slapping Nicholas' hand. Don't delay a year of your life for me!

You are my life though. Nicholas retorted playfully.

"Oi, lovebirds!" Peter yelled from the other side of the room. "We're playing some games; want to watch?"

"What game?"


"I'M COMING!" Nicholas shouted before teleporting away. He loved Halo from his visits to Wish-World and brought home all the games he can find. The clothes loved the game as well and Hector spent nearly a month trying to wire a system to Wishling servers to play multiplayer.

And what do you know? IT WORKED! They can play with Wishlings!

Peter grabbed one of the controllers and started up the Xbox Series X and pulled out the Halo discs.

"Which one are we playing?" Scott asked.

"Halo 3, obviously." Andrew said.

"I want to play Halo 4!" Peter said. "It's the best!"

Andrew, Nicholas, and Austin all slowly turned their heads around to look at him at the same time. They then looked at each other, and nodded.

"Umm... Peter, you messed up." Gemma patted his back. "Run."

Peter tried bolting out of the way, but Nicholas pulled him back.

"Now now, Peter..." He said, his voice betraying his actions. "Come on... we need to have a chat."

"Umm... I left the stove on at home I need to go-"

"No no it's fine your home can burn down; we just need to teach you a lesson." Nicholas said, pulling him to Andrew's room. Austin and Andrew followed.

"Yeah I have um... I have an emergency and I need to- MUUURRPH." he mumbled as Austin clasped a hand over his mouth.

Andrew and Austin pulled him in and Nicholas teleported back to the others.

"What did Peter do?" Nico asked.

"He said Halo 4 is the best." Nicholas grumbled. "When it's a disgrace to the earlier games."

"I also think Halo 4 is good." Nico said. "It's got better movement options, more guns, better graphics..." he trailed off when he saw Nicholas' glare.

"Nico?" Nicholas said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You're disowned."

"What- WHAT!?" Nico asked as Nicholas pulled him into his room.

It is said that the two didn't come out until a week later.

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