Another meeting with me... this time with even more people!

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Lady Stella: Now who is this?

Me: It's no one.

Sir Pluto: I don't understand...

Me: Lots of people don't understand me. That's my nature.

Nicholas: We're apparently in an alternate universe where we're meeting the creator of this fanfiction.

Me: Yup! And don't mind why I look like Colin; it's nothing.

Colin: You said I was your-

Me: Listen here you little s***... shut up.

Colin: Ok...

Me: Or I'll write a one-shot where you lose your ability to speak and hear. And make you paralyzed from the neck down.

Ethan: Ahem... so what are we doing here?

Me: You're here before I send you off for more pain and mental suffering, of course!

Grayson: Excuse me?

Me: Sorry; I meant more happiness and mental self-care... I'm just honest really.

Peter: Bruh.

Me: Shush you man-child.

Fortitude: Nah man you don't just roast someone like that! What has he done to you?

Me: Everything.

Valor: Never thought we were going to be included in these meetings... Where's Dream?

Virtue: He disappeared as soon as we got here.

Dream: Hi? Where the hell am I?

Me: Hi, activate Operation Yeet.

The Myrmidons were thrown by some invisible force, and a yeet noise came from somewhere. Portals appeared and they were gone.

Piper: What in the world is that?

Me: I created this place, I have power over it. Now any more questions? I hope so, because whoever is watching us right now needs the content *looks at you and break the 4th wall*

Orrin: Who is watching us?

Me: Oh no one! Just another perk of the Fun House!

Peter: Of course you named it the Fun House.

Me: The full name is the Fun House of Pain, Death, Depression, and More Pain.

Scarlet: I like it.

Me: Finally someone appreciates my work! You get a favor!

Scarlet: What do you mean?

Me: I can do anything I want here so please tell me something to do.

Scarlet: Something to Leona.

Leona: Wait Scarl-

Me: Activate Operation Pac-man!

Two portals appeared at the same time, and something picked Leona up and threw her into one of the portals. She appeared from the other portal, and went into the portal on the other side. Basically the Pac-man effect, which was made up by flat-earthers.


Scarlet: Now this is entertainment!

Me: *Poofs a bucket of popcorn into his hands and starts eating* This new contraption is more entertaining than anything else. Glad I installed this. Cassie! Don't touch that rock. Or you'll trigger Operation Carpet Bomb.

Cassie: oh... uh... what does that do?

Me: It'll rain carpets of course! And trust me, they hurt.

Sage: how many other traps are here?

Me: You're sitting on one as we speak.

Sage: WHAT!??!

Me: It's set to do the same thing I did to Leona... I just don't know why it hasn't set off-

Sage suddenly was propelled through the air, and the same thing happened to her like Leona.

Me: Oh there we go. I wasn't sure if it worked or not.


Nicholas: So... what exactly is the purpose of this room?

Me: It's where I'll think about things. Most of the time it's a slideshow of memes and songs stuck in my head but now, it's a sitting circle. Oh and I can do this.

A speaker appeared, and started playing: "Never Gonna Give You Up"

Me: Rick Roll! It's April Fools!

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