Sawamura Eijun x Reader

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Hi everyone~ I hope you're having a great day!

Actually hehe, I'm actually really proud of this one and I hope you guys like it as well! It isn't a request too, just something I've been thinking about

And really random but I was listening to an NCT sad playlist on Youtube while writing this XD

Have fun reading and stay safe~


"I promise I'll return and make sure I'll be the best baseball player!"

You smile at the memory, imagining Sawamura's bright face as he mutters out those words proudly to you. You roll around your bed with a grin on your face, excited for the next day, he was going to have a game and you were coming with his family to watch it with them

You haven't talked with him for a long time which was probably the reason why you were so giddy, his emails were short and there were times when he couldn't reply to you but that was because of the training he had, after all, spending hours using your body would be too tiring and since he was finally the ace of the team he needed to get as much rest as he can

"I'll make you proud (First name)-chan! Just you watch!" He says to you the night before he left Tokyo. In the comforts of his house, while your other friends were joking around with each other, you two were talking among yourselves, talking about his plans for the future and how he was going to become the ace and how he was going to return back to you after he finally proves himself. The memory was nostalgic and whenever you remembered it left a sweet yet bitter taste in your mouth. Sweet for the promises he said but bitter at the thought of getting separated from your childhood sweetheart

"You did it Eijun." You smile and caress the photo of him wearing the ace number, his smile was as bright as the sun and even though you've repeated it so many times you couldn't help but feel so excited. Just the thought of him running towards you to engulf you in his warm bear hugs was enough to keep you warm and content for the night. Because after such a long time, you were finally going to see him, you were finally going to be able to hold him

The next day, you couldn't keep still. Even Wakana had to hold your hand and reassure you that you look beautiful since you kept on touching your hair and fumbling with your clothes

You smile at her and enter the train that would lead you to Sawamura

Your heart hammers against your chest, and even when you were finally among the spectators you couldn't help but feel nervous. But that soon fades when their team walks out, you couldn't help but giggle upon hearing his loud voice, from then until now, Sawamura Eijun was still that sweet yet loud boy you grew up with

The game continues, you were on the edge of your seat the whole time and roared with the crowd whenever Sawamura manages to strike out a batter. It was a close game but everything ended on their side. They won and you couldn't help but jump out of your sit of joy for the outcome

All that's left is letting him know that you came for him

Following the crowd that supported Seidou, you catch glimpse of the team. You want to shout his name, you want to call out to him and let him know that you were there, shouting throughout the whole game for the whole team's victory

But your voice got caught in your throat

"Eijun-kun!" A girl exclaims and jumps into his arms while he wraps his arms around hers, your throat runs dry at the scene of Sawamura giving the girl the softest gaze you saw him give someone

And it wasn't for you

Rather, it wasn't reserved for you anymore

The thought made your knees wobble, you want to look away, to spare yourself the heartache, but your eyes couldn't stray away. Perhaps it was your conscience telling you to finally wake up from your childish fairytale where you and Sawamura would always be together, even if the two of you may grow older and change. Even when the two of you weren't always by each other's side

Beside you, Wakana was fuming but you held her back. Tears were now threatening to spill and that was enough for Wakana to stop and finally look over you

"Do you want to go?" She whispers among the shouting people

"Yes please." Your voice breaks, finally looking away even before anything else could happen between them

Wakana excuses you two from Sawamura's parents who looked at you two worriedly, but thankfully, you still had the energy to reassure them that you were alright

So you left, without telling him hi and without the bear hug you were dreaming about. Because how could you? When he looked so happy and content with where he was. Instead, you left with a broken heart and promises that you held on to for so long just to know that it was just empty words

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