Furuya Satoru X Chubby! Reader

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You sigh as you stared at yourself in the mirror, it was already half past one and you were supposed to be asleep yet here you were, once again staring at yourself in the mirror

Nowadays, you didn't have days like these, where everything just seems so slow and you can't remove the thought that you were bigger than most people. You managed to slowly build your confidence throughout the years but there are days when everybody's words just get to you

You pinch the fat in your stomach as you look back to your reflection in the mirror, too much fat and too many stretch marks, nobody would even think that someone as fit as Furuya would ever go out with you

Yet here you are

"(First name)?" Furuya's sleepy voice asks from the entrance of your bathroom, "What are you doing?" He mumbles out as he walks toward you

"Did I wake you up?" You ask him, frowning at the thought

He stops for a moment before nodding

"Sorry." You apologize, "I'll follow you to bed in a few minutes." You add but Furuya remains rooted in his spot before hugging you

"It doesn't feel good sleeping without you." He grumbles, fingers once again moving down towards your stretch marks as he rubs them, something he's been doing ever since you've been comfortable enough to let him touch you

"It doesn't?" You ask

He hums out his reply, closing his eyes as he rests his chin on your head, it was as if he was already falling asleep

"You're soft and comfortable to sleep with." He mumbles out as you sigh at his statement

"What am I a teddy bear?" You ask dryly as he shakes his head in a reply

"You're better 'cause you're (First name)." He smiles softly, eyes still close before leaning down and kissing your hair, "Can we go back to bed now?" He asks before letting out another yawn

"I-alright, fine." You finally give in as he hums before carrying you toward your bedroom

"I thought you were too tired?" You ask him, instinctively wrapping your arms around his neck

"I am." He replies honestly

"Then why-?"

"I like having you in my arms." He answers simply before putting you down on the bed gently and moving onto his side so he could lie down beside you

You feel someone pull you to their chest as you look up at your boyfriend who once again has his eyes close

You felt him once again rub your skin after he wraps his arms around you, basically locking you in his arms

"I love you, (First name), I don't like it when you look at yourself like that." He says quietly

Your eyes widen at his sudden words as you feel a stray tear fall down your cheek before you let out a soft smile

You turn to face him and also wrap an arm around him, "I love you too, Satoru." You answer before kissing the tip of his nose, causing Furuya to smile before finally falling asleep


To be honest his is self-indulgent since I wrote this when I was feeling down about my weight and body

And this is random but I want to say this just in case somebody out there's feeling insecure about themselves but you're beautiful. Your weight doesn't matter nor does whatever everybody says about you. Your body's beautiful, whatever your size is, you're just amazing in every single way

I'm not very good with words and sentimental things and this is message is a bit messy but I don't want anybody to feel as down as I was the day I wrote this, so please remember that you're amazing, gorgeous, and every single nice adjectives there are in the dictionary describes you and anybody who says otherwise are just judgemental pricks who has nothing better to do with their lives other than to bring other people down

This a/n turned out to be a bit long and sentimental so I'll end it here~ Stay safe and be happy everyone 😘

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