Okumura Koshuu X Reader X Yui Kaoru

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Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a great day!

This was requested by @MeltalWolf ( anybody know why can't tagging/mentioning work on me?) I hope you enjoy this~💕

Also, I think I'm going to have to update once a week rather than the usual twice (not sure if you noticed but I used to update twice) because school already started and I most likely will have a lot to do 😭😔 I hope you understand!

Enjoy and stay safe everyone!

It was a hectic day

It was your first time on school grounds, you had to meet your fellow managers, the coach and a woman called Takashima Rei who would be interviewing you for that managerial spot on the team

And what's amazing is how your body clock decides to wake you up much later than you had planned and ignore the alarm you set up

"Excuse me!" You exclaim but it was already too late and you ended up ramming into some blonde

"I'm so sorry!" You apologize profusely as you hold out a hand for him, "I didn't mean it! I swear! I was just in a hurry!" You try to explain but you were out of breath

"Koshuu, You okay?" Seto asks as Okumura brushes his shirt

"Sorry!" You apologize again, "I was just in a hurry because of the manager interview!"

"You're going to become a manager?" Seto asks

"I was hoping to." You sigh and look at Okumura again

"Shouldn't you hurry?" He frowns as you look at your watch and let out a loud shriek

"I'm sorry! I'll talk to you another time but I really have to go!" You wave at them goodbye

"I hope we can work together!" You hear Seto call out while Okumura just stares after you

"Yeah, I hope so too." You mutter to yourself, feeling your legs ready to give up after all the running that you did

"Oh look out!" Someone exclaims but once again it was too late and you already hit them

"Jeez, is this fun for you?" You ask, looking up at the sky

"I'm so sorry! I swear I don't mean to hurt anybody." You say, holding your hand out once again

"It's nothing, it looked like you were in a hurry though." Yui says before accepting your hand and standing up, "I'm Yui Kaoru." He introduces himself

"I'm (Last name) (First name) and I am GOING TO BE LATE!" You caught glimpse of the time on your watch

"For what?" Now Yui was also taken aback

"For the manager interview!" You panic before bowing to him one last time and making a dash

"I hope we can work together, (Last name)-san!" He calls out


You look at the boys who were all lined up in front of you, some of them were familiar since they were known in middle school baseball but most were strangers to you

You cringe to yourself as you remembered the fiasco you caused the day before, it only dawned on you that you managed to not hit one but two well-known catchers back in middle school

Your eyes wander and find Yui who was already looking at you, upon catching your eye he lets out a small smile and looks like he even wanted to wave, but it was almost his turn for the introduction

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