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"Hi, pretty girl," someone shouted from the pool and soon after Cole emerged from the pool, shaking the water out of his hair like a dog would do.

"Stop that, my dress just got out of the washer," Veronica exclaimed as she stepped away from the closer coming Cole, who had his arms opened in order to wrap her up in a hug.

Cole smirked over at her, "What did you say? I should come and hug you? Sure."

As fast as his bad leg allowed him to, Cole walked over to Veronica and wrapped his arms around her, pushing her against his wet body.

"You're unbelievable," Veronica said to him, when he finally released her and she looked at her ruined dress. "First you don't want to braid Parker's hair and now you ruin my dress? I should drown you in the pool."

Cole laughed and went back to the pool, sitting down at the edge and just put his feet in the water. "We both know that your braids are much prettier than mine and she wanted to impress Jackie."

Veronica sighed and sat down beside him, "My braids really are the prettiest, but this would've been good practice for you."

"I guess so," Cole shrugged but didn't say anything else. The two sat there for a moment in silence watching the still water reflect the sun's rays. Then, out of nowhere Cole placed his hand on Veronica's back and pushed her into the water.

"Oops," he said and jumped into the water next to her, a big smile on his face as he looked at her outraged expression. "Come on, the dress was already wet anyway."

Veronica's eyes glinted in anger and she began shoving him around and splashing water in his face, not giving him a second to return her attack, then to top it all off, a pool noodle was added to the fight and Parker began hitting Cole on the back.

The blond boy put his hands up and shouted over the sound of splashing water and the girls' laughter, "Okay, I surrender, please stop beating me up."

The Summerhill girl stopped, though as soon as he put his hands down, Parker took the opportunity and hit him one last time on the head.

Veronica got out of the water and took off her drenched dress while Parker stared Cole down with her meanest look.

"Parker," Veronica put her hand on Parker's head and guided her over to the chairs, telling Parker to sit down and then they went on to their usual routine of chatting while Veronica braided Parker's hair, this time deciding on a half-up half-down hairstyle.

All the while, Cole was watching them, adoring how his girlfriend and little sister got along so well and to be honest, he liked the way Veronica's in a bikini clad body shone in the sun.

Having lounged around for long enough, Cole went out of the water. Albert, the family's dog, took advantage of the empty pool and jumped in immediately, swimming around and splashing water everywhere.

The blond boy sat down on the chair next to Parker's and watched on as Veronica's hands worked with precision and care, not wanting to pull on the younger girl's hair too much. "What were you two talking about?"

Parker's face immediately went red and Veronica laughed at his question. He must've noticed how Parker had gone silent as soon as he approached them.

"Oh, don't tell me you were talking about boys?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he watched Parker reach her hand out to hit him, but her face and its tomato red color gave it all away.

"Come on Parker, we should let Cole in on the conversation, he also has to tell us which boy he thinks is prettiest," Veronica said and winked at Cole over Parker's head.

"That's too easy, I'm the prettiest boy that exists," Cole responded and pushed his wet hair out of his face.

Both Parker and Veronica began to laugh at his statement, though Veronica had to admit that he was right, if he weren't she probably wouldn't date him.

"I disagree," Veronica intervened and she sat down on the arm of Parker's chair once she had taken one last look at it. "You wanna check your hair in the mirror?"

Parker ran off to check her hair, leaving Cole and Veronica alone in the backyard.

Cole patted his lap and Veronica went over, sitting down and pecking his lips quickly. "So, who's the prettiest boy?" He asked her a confident expression taking over his face as they looked one another in the eyes.

Veronica pretended to think for a moment and then responded, "I'd say Benny, I mean have you seen him and his floaties, he makes all the girls swoon. Don't be too disappointed, you're a close second."

A loud barking laughter escaped Cole as he hugged her tightly to himself, resting his head on her shoulders and softly kissing her exposed skin.

"Did you miss me that much?" Veronica asked him as she brushed her hands through his hair, both of them lost in the moment of togetherness.

HOPE speaks!

okay so i really adore writing them and their relationship and let me tell you we're in for a ride with those two

anyway, thank you all for reading and i hope you like this story so far!

love you lots!

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