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"A LONG TIME AGO   I had a sister who knew how to dress," Skylar said as he sat on the couch, watching Veronica run down the stairs in a hurry. "Do you have any idea what happened to her?"

Veronica halted in her steps, looking down at her white sundress and worn-out brown cowboy boots in confusion and then she looked back over to Skylar with a frown on her face.

"You should keep your mouth shut when you're wearing my old clothes all the time," the girl retorted, "You only profited from my change in style."

Skylar looked down at his clothes, realizing that she was right but he still couldn't help himself. What for was he the younger sibling if he didn't annoy her every chance he got?

"I'm just saying this new vanilla-cowgirl look you have going on is... questionable."

The girl exhaled deeply and went off to the kitchen to search for her car's keys, not caring what her brother was saying. She liked her new style and felt comfortable so nothing anyone would say could convince her to dress differently.

"Anyways," she shouted over to him, "have you seen my keys?"

The boy sighed and looked at a leather bag hanging over the back of the sofa. "Where they always are, idiot."

Veronica went back to the living room, picked up her bag and roamed around for the keys, finding them she sighed in relief, she didn't want to have to go to Tony's again to ask him to order her new keys. "Thanks."

She left the living room and went to check the bag she had in the hallway once again to see if she had her towel and a change of clothes with her. "Okay, I'm leaving now. Skylar, could you please cook the pasta for you and dad, I think I'm gonna eat at the Walters'."

"Yeah, yeah, have fun and don't forget anything here," Skylar replied, turning back to his TV-Show.

He could hear the door shut, Veronica's boots thud on the floor, a car door opened and then she walked back, opened the door again, went into the living room and looked at the coffee table. Veronica grabbed her keys and went off again muttering something about him having stolen the keys from her, though both knew that she was just prone to forgetting her things anywhere.

Veronica drove to the Walters with music blasting through her car's speakers and her singing along to songs such as Riptide by Vance Joy. The windows were all rolled down, allowing air to flow into the car and from time to time blowing her knotless box braids into her face.

With the music still blasting Veronica finally parked next to the barn and shut off her car's engine, taking a deep breath to prepare herself for the mess the Walters were. She loved them, she really did, they were just a bit much from time to time.

Just as the girl got out of the car with her bag slung over her shoulder the first Walter sibling had found her and just to her luck it was Parker, the girl who was like the little sister she never had (but don't tell Skylar that, he would get jealous of the nine-year-old).

Veronica was tightly hugged by Paker, almost too tightly, "Hey Parker, I'm also really happy to see you, but I still need air."

With a smile on her face Parker stepped back and took Veronica's hand, dragging her along with her into the house. "Ronnie, you have to braid my hair, pretty please. I want to look cool when Jackie's coming and Cole refuses to braid it for me."

"Cole did what?" Veronica asked in disbelief as the two went into the house, taking off their shoes at the doorstep. "If that's true, then I'll have to have a word with him. I taught him how to braid just so he could help you and now he refuses to do it. Maybe I should throw a brush at him."

Parker nodded wildly, her long blonde hair flying around and partially landing in her face and mouth, spitting out hair, she exclaimed, "Yes you definitely have to. I'll get a brush, Cole should be in the pool."

Veronica watched her run up the stairs with a grin on her face.

"Hi, Ronnie," someone shouted from another room and then Veronica was almost run over by Lee and his skateboard. "Whoa, sorry Vronnie."

The black girl only shook her head at him and went outside, to avoid further deathly accidents and to finally go and see Cole, the reason why she had even driven to the ranch on that day. 

HOPE speaks! 

so i actually have written the whole first episode and just need to edit it and kind of get a feeling in which places i could make the chapters finsih

anyway, i hope you liked this first chapter and please vote or comment ! 

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