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ONCE ERIN HAD DROPPED VERONICA OFF AT HER HOUSE, the girl immediately went over to her truck and got it started, if she didn't end things that night, she might never do it.

She was already sober, because as much as Veronica likes to believe to be able to hold her liquor well, she was a lightweight and the little bit she had drunk at the party had been enough to keep her in good spirits there but now the alcohol had completely left her system and she could think clearly.

Arriving at the Walters' ranch, Veronica turned off her engine and just sat in her silent car for a minute to gather herself. What she was about to do would not be the easy thing, but it was the right thing.

If Cole had been willing to cheat this one time, then how could she know that he wouldn't do it again? Veronica didn't want to end up being the girl her boyfriend cheated on all the time, without her knowing. She deserved better than that.

Taking one deep breath, Veronica left the car and went over to the truck, someone was working on it in the dim light a provisionally placed flashlight offered and she knew too well that this person could only be Cole.

"Cole, we need to talk," Veronica spoke as she stood behind him.

At the sound of her voice, Cole quickly lifted his head, hitting it roughly on the car's hood. Putting his hand on the spot that now hurt, Cole looked over to Veronica and her tear stained face. He took a step closer and as she let him he came even closer and wiped her tears away as best he could.

The gesture warmed her heart, but she had come here to do something, she had a reason for what she was about to do and she would not forget it just because of some small act of kindness.

Veronica took a deep breath and then finally rushed out the words, "I think we should break up." She watched his expression change as he registered her words, it went from shock, to anger and then to disappointment.

"Why?" Was all he asked as he stepped away from her, looking up at the starry sky.

She couldn't believe his question. After what he had done this afternoon she couldn't believe that he had the audacity to ask her this question. "'Why?' You ask, really? Are you that dumb, Cole? You were about to cheat on me this afternoon," she spat out, careful not to shout too loudly. The last thing Veronica needed right now was the Walter siblings' attention on her as she broke up with their brother.

"Cole, you've changed for the worse. I know life's not easy for you right now, but you can't let that ruin your future. You're throwing everything away, everything you've worked for, your parents have worked for. I love you but it hurts me to see you this way," she told him.

Veronica knew herself and she knew that it would do her more harm than good to continue being with Cole, she would slowly self-destruct and she didn't want that.

"Well, that was all I wanted to say, goodbye Cole," Veronica said and turned around, wanting to leave him behind and have a good cry in her bed.

Out of nowhere, Cole began to laugh, it wasn't his normal laugh, this laugh sounded so artificial, Veronica wanted to cover her ears. "So that's it? We've been best friends for so long, have loved each other for quite some time and now you decide to end it just because I'm not the handsome quarterback anymore? Just because things got a bit difficult?"

His words were cruel, they hurt her, how could he think of her this way? Veronica shook her head, the tears now flowing freely down her face. "If that's what you want to think of me, so be it. I don't have to explain myself to you, not after what you did today."

Finally, Veronica walked off, not once turning around as she reached her car, even as she heard a loud shatter behind her, she continued and drove home, clutching the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white, as she suppressed the sobs that wanted to escape her.

Once Veronica was home, she was greeted by her father who was sleeping on the couch, though as soon as the eldest entered the room, his snoring ended and he sat up straight.

Mato Summerhill was not the most loving father, or rather, he was, he just had difficulty showing it on most days, especially when it came to his almost-adult daughter. However that night, as she entered the living room late at night, with her braids all over the place, her makeup completely ruined and sobs escaping her mouth Mato knew what he had to do.

He stood up as quickly as he could and walked over to Veronica, engulfing her in a tight hug, soothingly rubbing her arms and back, whispering encouraging words to her as she continued to cry.

Mato might not know how to handle teenage girls but he knew that when his daughter, one of the strongest women he had ever known, was sobbing as she did, well, something must be seriously wrong and Mato would halt at nothing to give her her happiness back.

HOPE speaks!

not so fun chapter, but much needed cuz we all have to admit Cole is kind of an asshole but do not worry things will get better in due time.

anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment! that really really means a lot to me!

lots of love <3

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