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VERONICA STOOD, YET AGAIN, in front of the Walters' house, her hand raised to knock on the front door. She hadn't been there ever since that night in which Cole had tried to kiss her, avoiding him as best as she could whenever their paths crossed.

When Veronica, however, didn't manage to escape from him before he noticed her, he always tried to say something to her, but just before the words could leave his mouth, she disappeared, never looking back as she practically ran away.

So why was she standing here, in front of his house one might ask.

The answer was easy, George had asked her to babysit his younger children, while the rest of the family went to an award that Katherine would receive for being the best veterinarian ever (well, that was what George had told her).

At first, Veronica was a bit skeptical, unsure whether she wanted to be there considering all that had happened, but agreed nonetheless, seeing how George's eyes sparkled as he talked about how amazing Katherine was and really, Veronica could never say no to anyone, especially not to George or Katherine.

Taking another deep breath, Veronica knocked and moments later, an eager Parker opened the door for her, jumping into the black girl's arms. "Mom, Vee's here," she shouted through the house, loud enough for everybody to hear.

Soon Benny came running up to the two girls by the entrance and joined their hug.

"Hey, come on, how about you two let go of me and look for something fun we could play together?" Veronica suggested, patting their heads, while she looked down the hallway, making sure that Cole was nowhere near.

Immediately the two let go of her and ran off, discussing loudly about what they could play.

Veronica exhaled and made her way over to the kitchen and finally found Katherine. "You look amazing, Katherine," Veronica exclaimed upon seeing her in her emerald green dress.

"Thank you, honey," Katherine responded, "And again, thank you for watching over the kids. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you."

Veronica smiled sheepishly and just shrugged her shoulders, "It's nothing, really, I love playing with them." Which she really did; Veronica always loved little kids and babysitting the Walters' youngest was one of her favorite activities since she was ten and played with little Parker as if she were her play-doll.

"Well, we'll be on our way, but if anything happens: don't hesitate to call either me or George," Katherine told the girl, looking through her bag one last time before walking over to the staircase and shouting for all of her kids to come down or they'd have to stay at home.

Moments later, the loud thudding of numerous feet was the only thing that could be heard, everyone making their way down and leaving out the front door to get into the car. Benny, Parker and Jordan remained behind, hugging their mother one last time before she went out the door to join the rest of her kids and Jackie outside.

While Benny and Parker went out to the porch to wave them goodbye, Veronica turned to Jordan, "Where's Cole? I thought he'd go with them."

Jordan shrugged, his eyes following the leaving car, "Nobody knows where he is. He got home late last night and today he slept until noon and then was off after he got out of bed, without saying where he'd go."

Veronica just nodded, her eyes resting on the staircase that led to the upper floor, wondering what was once again happening with Cole Walter. It couldn't partially be her fault,could it?

Clapping her hands together she smiled over to the kids she would spend her evening with, "Okay, so what are we gonna do?"

It was late at night, Parker and Benny were in bed, exhausted from the many games they had played together and Jordan and Veronica were sitting on the couch, watching one of the many moments the boy had captured on his camera.

Finally, the whole Walter-clan arrived, the car light lighting up the dark yard and the sound of the engine pulling Veronica and Jordan out of their trance-like state.

The girl looked at her phone and realized that it was much later than she had thought it was and quickly got up as the door opened and the first family members walked in.

Once Katherine spotted the girl in the living room, she quickly made her way over to her, her face full of worry, "Veronica, didn't I say that you should go once the kids sleep? I'm sure Jordan would've been able to handle them even if they were to wake up."

Veronica shook her head quickly from one side to the other. "It's actually my fault that I'm still here. I asked Jordan to show me some of his newest clips and we kind of lost track of time," she explained herself and as she looked down the hallway, she spotted Cole, who looked as if he were about to pass out, or throw up, she wasn't so sure about it, but she knew that she wanted to leave now. "But I'll leave now, Parker and Benny are in their beds, sleeping. I hope you had a great night and well, good night, Katherine.

The red-haired woman could only watch the girl leave her house in a hurry, not knowing what had gotten into her. She shook her head and blamed it on Veronica being tired and just went on to tell Jordan to go to bed now.

Cole's gaze was fixed on Veronica as she entered her car and drove off with it, his eyes lingering on the spot he had last seen her, even when she was long gone. As he stood there, his mind clouded by all the alcohol he had drunk, he couldn't help but wonder how everything had come to this.

The girl he loved, or rather, still loves, practically flees at the mere sight of him and now he had gone on to ruin his mother's special night, just because he wasn't feeling his best. And lastly, he went on to put all the blame onto Jackie, having told the girl that without her everything would've been different, would've been better.

However, now, as he looked outside the window and up at the starry sky, he realized that maybe it wasn't Jackie's fault, it wasn't Alex's fault or his injury's fault, no it was him alone who was responsible for ruining his life.

HOPE speaks!

i hope you liked this chapter!

actually, since I'll be driving for around six hours over the weekend, I wanted to ask y'all for some recommendations, be it movies or series so tell me which are your favorites :)

love you lots <3

WHERE WE ARE ; COLE WALTERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang