~Chapter 13~

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Harry, Hermione, Ron and Lily had by now encountered the three-headed dog, when they got stuck on the third floor, courtesy of Hogwarts' moving stairs. Lily knew what lay beyond that trapdoor, but she also knew to let Hermione figure it out. Harry and Lily's brooms had arrived, they'd gotten a good laugh out of the look on Malfoy's face when they didn't get in trouble with a professor over the fact, and then they'd had to face a troll, who had cornered Hermione and Lily, who had gone to tell Hermione just how much of a git Ron could be. So when the first Gryffindor Quidditch match of the season came around, Lily was slightly relieved. Only slightly though, as she was mainly nervous.

Lee Jordan's commentary began.
And here come the Gryffindors, with two new players, both first years, Harry Potter and Lily Weasley. And here are the Slytherins, and Madam Hooch, our referee for this game. And the Quaffle is immediately taken by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor - what an excellent Chaser that girl is, and rather attractive too -
Sorry Professor. And Johnson passes to new Gryffindor Chaser Lily Weasley, and oh my, Weasley is really off there, and OH MY LORD WHAT HAS SHE DONE THERE! WEASLEY HAS LEAPT RIGHT OVER SLYTHERIN CAPTAIN MARCUS FLINT, AND HAS MADE A SHOT ON THE SLYTHERIN KEEPER - Keeper Bletchly dives - misses - GRYFFINDOR SCORE! And there is Slytherin Chaser Adrian Pucey racing off towards the opposite posts - but no, there's a Bludger sent by Fred or George Weasley, not sure which, and the Quaffle is seized by Katie Bell, and passed to Weasley who IS FULLY STANDING ON HER BROOM and she's sat back down, thanks be to Godric, I don't think my heart can handle another trick from Weasley - but wait I SPEAK TOO SOON, SHE'S AFTER AVOIDING BOTH FLINT AND PUCEY, CAUSING THEM TO CRASH INTO EACH OTHER - serves you right there boys - yeah, yeah, sorry Professor - and she's passed to Johnson - who passes to Bell - back to Weasley - Weasley avoids Bludger sent by a Slytherin Beater - and there's Captain Marcus Flint flown straight for her, that's going to be a foul if he hits her - BUT WHAT'S THIS, SHE'S AVOIDED HIM AGAIN, HANGING FROM HER BROOM UPSIDE DOWN, CAUSING THE SLYTHERIN CAPTAIN, UNABLE TO SLOW DOWN, TO BARREL INTO HIS OWN CHASER - and off goes Weasley - Weasley shoots - NO SHE DOES NOT SHOOT - SHE'S STILL GOT THE QUAFFLE - KEEPER BLETCHLY IS SENT IN THE COMPLETE WRONG DIRECTION - AND THAT'S AN EASY SCORE FOR LILY WEASLEY - my what a Chaser that girl is turning out to be.

The match went on, a few scores here and there, a sighting of the snitch, then Snape's robes setting fire knocking Professor Quirrel back when people started pointing it out, Harry clambering back onto his broom, then racing straight for the ground, landing, looking like he was about to puke, until he coughed up the snitch.

And Harry Potter has caught the golden snitch. GRYFFINDOR WINS!

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