~Chapter 15~

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When Lily arrived with a crack outside Charlie's little cottage, she was freezing, so she quickly knocked on the door, and Charlie let her in, giving her a big, warm hug, him also wearing his Weasley jumper. She gave her parents a hug as well, and Charlie handed her a mug of hot chocolate.

"Sooooo...." her father began, and she squealed handing her mother the letter. Molly's face lit up immediately. "This is brilliant, dear, truly amazing," her father said, and he too was glowing. Lily handed the piece of parchment to Charlie, who was looking very confused. His mouth fell open in shock.

Lily cast an incorporeal patronus charm, and she told it to go to Bill's, where to find her, and to tell him that there was big news. Bill arrived, grinning madly, also in his Weasley jumper, and was immediately handed a hot chocolate by Charlie. Lily then handed him the parchment, and he was shocked into speechlessness as well. "Blimey Lily," he muttered at last. Lily giggled, and said "that's the exact reaction the twins had, and oh, speaking of them, I managed to get them all, even Percy, yes I know Charlie, Percy, to take a picture of us all in our jumpers."

She handed around the picture, and took another out. "And here's one of myself, Ron, Harry and Hermione just before she left for the holidays." They all smiled warmly at the photographs. When they finished their hot chocolates, Bill and Lily rose to leave, giving out hugs left, right and centre, and promising to write. Final congratulations were given to Lily, and the two disapparated.

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