The Welcoming

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Luna and Agatha walked into the Theatre of Tales, Good's entrance obviously, whilst the Nevers (students of the school for evil) filed in from a darker entrance opposite the good students. Their side of the theatre contained pink and blue pews for them to sit on and sparkling bouquets of glass flowers. Evil's entrance however, was a bit different; wooden pews with carvings of scenes of murder and deadly stalactites hanging from the ceiling.

There was one girl who stuck out as the Nevers filed in through their door. A girl with golden hair that flowed past her waist, her features all beautiful, but wearing the same black uniform as the rest of the Nevers. Luna watched her gesture for help from the Evers, but none came. Luna wondered if maybe her and Agatha were in the wrong schools, but the school master was never wrong, was he? Luna looked around for her room mate, suddenly aware she was no longer sat beside her, but she was nowhere to be seen. And now the other girl who had originally been gesturing to the Evers to help her had also disappeared.

Suddenly, the west doors flew open, and emerging from it, a group of boys in the middle of a sword fight. Luna couldn't help but watch intently as the boys playfully used their training swords to pretend to stab each other. It was stupid really, Luna found herself thinking. When they stopped fighting, they threw a rose to an Ever girl that caught their eye, with a 'milady'.

Luna got no roses.

Meanwhile, the Nevers on the other side held up signs saying 'Nevers Rule!' and 'Evers Stink!', but Luna wondered if really, they were wishing for roses of their own. Probably not.

Suddenly, the doors slammed open again, and in walked Tedros, making a big display of himself as usual. All the boys came at him at once, but he fought each of them off, throwing his rose to someone Luna didn't see in the sea of blushing Ever girls.

Tedros took his seat next to her.

"Wow that was really something." Luna said sarcastically.

"Well not everyone can pull it off, but I think I did pretty well." He replied, smirking.

Beatrix shoved past a load of girls to get the seat opposite Tedros. Making sure he could see all of her many roses, she put on her sickly sweet smile. "Hi i'm Beatrix."

Luna knew she could not sit next to sickly-sweet sucking up Beatrix for the whole of the welcoming; she shifted uncomfortably in her seat and tried to look straight ahead.

Beatrix scooted up next to him and twirled her hair, eyeing Luna the other side of her. She began muttering to Tedros but it was so comprehensible that Luna could hear every word."I don't even know who that is but she definitely needs to find some manners, she was so rude to me earlier, I mean, who brought her up like that? I would have been so told off by my parents if I ever spoke like that."

Luna noticed Tedros shift in his seat uncomfortably, and thankfully, he said nothing.

Finally, a two headed dog creature made its way to the front of the room and took its place on stage. One half of the dog yelled into the murmuring crowd of students, "QUIET!" before the other head spoke in a much softer tone. "Welcome Evers and Nevers, to a new school year. Now there's a few things we need to go through, but first, this is the Theatre of Tales." He gestured around the grand room, packed full of students which in some way made it seem less colossal. "This year it is stationed in the School for Good,"

The other head of the dog suddenly interrupted. "AND THAT'S BECAUSE THEY WON THE CIRCUS OF TALENTS WHICH THEY ALWAYS DO BECAUSE GOOD HAS WON FOR THE LAST 200 YEARS! SO NEVERS BETTER UP YOUR GAME!" he yelled so loudly Luna had to cover her ears at one point. All of this new information was going way over her head: what on earth was the Circus of Talents?

The other head of the dog continued again. "Yes, thank you, Castor. As Castor said, last year Good won the Circus of Talents meaning they were able to have the Theatre of Tales in their school. In case you're wondering, the Circus of Talents is something that is held at the end of the year where 10 Evers go up against 10 Nevers and display talents. The school master chooses the winner."

Talents? Luna thought; she had no talents whatsoever.

The dog continued. "This brings me neatly onto classes. On each side there are 120 students - 20 in each class. Every lesson you will be ranked, but fail three times, you're out." he said this in a harsher tone, emphasising the severity of this situation.

Luna inhaled and exhaled deeply, hearing her shaky breath. What would people think if she failed? What would Camelot's people think if they knew their Princess had been banished from the school, never to appear in a fairy tale. Even if she wasn't really their princess, she had pretty much been branded as that from the day she arrived at the kingdom.

"And finally," the calmer dog continued, "you each have a swan crest on your uniform. Try to cover it up and you will face the consequences."

People immediately covered their uniform. Luna had no idea why - the dog had just told them there would be consequences, and sure enough, there were; the crest magically tattooed into their skin. Curiosity overcame Luna and she too covered the swan crest to see what would happen. When she looked down, she expected to see the white swan that was on her uniform to symbolise good imprinted on her skin. Instead, she saw a black one.

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