Surviving Fairytales

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A/N: Okay, I know Chaddick wasn't in their forest group but whatever, just go with it. Thanks for reading!


A few days later, Luna made her way to her first surviving fairytales lesson with Yuba the gome. This was the only lesson where classes were mixed: good and evil, boys and girls. It took place in the Blue Forest, an enchanted but safe version of the real woods outside the school, it's name taken from the fact it shone a striking blue all hours of the day.

A few days ago, the school had turned into chaos when Agatha had accidentally realised she had the power to grant wishes and then let animals who wanted to be set free on a rampage throughout the school, which led to Tedros killing a gargoye which was actually a boy. Now, the school seemed to be getting back to normal, and although Luna knew she shouldn't be thinking about her very miniscule problems, she couldn't stop wondering about what the Wish Fish had painted her for.

Luna stood next to Agatha in class, not listening to Yuba talk about things that were going way over her head, and instead, watching the blonde Never girl, Sophie talk to Tedros.

"It's so obvious you're in the wrong school - don't worry, I'm sure they'll fix the mistake very soon." she heard Tedros say. This triggered something in Luna, and she instinctively put her hand to her chest where the black swan had embedded itself in her skin.

After listening to Yuba dragging on and on, Luna noticed that Agatha was no longer at her side, and was instead arguing with the blonde never girl a few meters into the forest. Curious, Luna crept over.

"Then why won't it let us switch?" Luna heard Agatha's voice say as Luna crouched behind a florescent blue tree.

The other girl spun to face Agatha. "Because...because we...."

"Because we need to go home." Agatha glared.

"Sooner or later, they'll see what's right." Sophie glared.

"I'd say sooner." A voice resounded from behind Luna: Tedros.

"If you're itching for something to kill, how about yourself this time." Agatha said.

"'Thank you' would suffice." Tedros shot back.

Luna watched the argument with curiosity, for some reason taking pleasure in the chaos Tedros had caused between the two readers.

"What are you doing?" A voice whispered into her ear from behind, making Luna jump out of her skin, and she turned to see Tedros's friend Chaddick leaning over her with a smile.

Luna straightened herself up to look more intimidating, but he was taller, better looking and more confident than her - and he knew it.

"I could ask you the same question."

"I came to see why the four of you are skipping class whilst in class. It won't be long before Yuba realises that your not even listening to him, and in fact, listening to those three." he pointed straight to Agatha, Sophie and Tedros who were still arguing intently.

"Shut up, they're interesting." Luna said, waving him off and watching the others again.

"Any idea what they're talking about?"

"Something about the girls switching schools."

"And what's Tedros got to do with it?"

"Er, he killed a gargoyle? Who was actually a boy?"

"Not much of a Tedros fan then?"

"No, I do like him, he can just be a bit annoying sometimes."

"Tell me about it. We're supposed to be friends, but he's barely said two words to me since the other day." Chaddick said, his face softening.

After a second, he grabbed her hand and pulled her through the blue forest, the overgrown blue plants snagging on her pink pinafore. "Where are we going?"

"Just away for a little bit."


He sat down on a blue tree stump, not too far away from their forest group. "So tell me about you, Luna of Camelot." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Camelot's a big Kingdom; where do you live?"

It suddenly struck Luna that no one knew she was technically the Princess, and she decided she'd like to keep it that way.

"You wouldn't know it." she replied quickly.

"Okay, not mysterious at all."

Suddenly, they both turned their heads in sync at the sound of their approaching forest group who had made their way further into the forest for their first challenge in surviving fairy tales.

"And it seems we've found our two lost students - on a date night in the woods." Yuba said, a comment that was greeted with many sniggers from both Evers and Nevers.

Chaddick stepped back from Luna. "Date night? With her? As if." And walked back to stand with Tedros, leaving Luna standing awkwardly in front of everyone.

Luna's cheeks grew hot and she walked over to stand with Agatha.

"And she's friends with the witch as well." Someone shouted.

Luna looked at Tedros for help, but none came. Suddenly the embarrassment turned to anger and frustration; she bit her lip and tried to slink into the shadows, but she felt her finger suddenly grow hot and she looked down in surprise - it was glowing bright purple. Luckily no one seemed to notice, all of the students fixed on Yuba talking. In a panic, Luna began frantically trying to extinguish the glow by waving her hand around like it was on fire.

It didn't work. The glow shone as bright as before. The frustration began to build up, and suddenly, she noticed something flickering on the ground: a fire. Before she could stop herself, she let out a shriek, catching the attention of everyone else, which was quickly directed to the fire. They all stepped back in sync with a gasp.

"What on earth?" Yuba said, wandering over to the fire, gazing at the flames with curiosity.

"What's so interesting?" Sophie said, scoffing.

"That's enchanted fire, you dimwit." Hester said scornfully.

"Well there's no need to be rude!" Sophie replied, insulted.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Hester replied, Yuba still examining the fire which was starting to spread over the blue grass.

"Hey!" Tedros said, standing in front of Sophie.
"Dont talk to a princess like that, you witch!"

"Using 'witch' isn't exactly an insult seeing as I go to an evil school." Hester replied sharply.

"Yeah well..." Tedros began, but Luna interrupted and gestured at the floor. "Um, is no one going to do anything about the tiny problem of the FIRE?"

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