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Suddenly, a high-pitched voice spoke from behind Tedros; it was Sophie. "Hello handsome, want some of my...lunch?" she said nervously, holding out her basket.

Tedros turned to face her, and the whole clearing had gone quiet. "Your girlfriend's calling." he said simply, pointing at Agatha who was waving Sophie off.

"She's just upset. She knows that deep down, we can't be friends any longer. It just won't work between us; she's evil, i'm good-"

"Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that." interrupted Luna, and Sophie scowled at her.

"Anyway," she continued, "whenever you're ready."

"Ready for what?"

"To ask me to the ball!"

Luna saw Chaddick and the rest of the ever boys laughing in the corner of the clearing, but the Prince's face stayed the same - stone cold.

"I know it's a bit early, but a girl does have to have a plan!" Sophie said confidently, before Beatrix cut in between them.

"No room for Nevers."

"But i'm not a..."

"Can you move please? I've got to get to class." Tedros said bluntly, nudging Sophie as he walked past, followed by Beatrix smirking smugly.


The next day at Surviving fairytales, something was up with Sophie. Luna had guessed it would be after her humiliating rejection at lunch the day before, but she didn't seem upset or mad. She seemed...happy? No, more like she was up to something.

As Yuba spoke about the different plants they might encounter in the forest, Luna tried to draw her attention back to him, but found it move to someone else, and it wasn't Sophie.

Chaddick had been somewhat distant for the past few weeks. Pretending that they had never spoken, although that may have been Luna's fault after the incident in the woods.

Curiosity eventually got the better of her, and as an excuse to stop staring at Chaddick, she sidled up to Sophie. "Hi."

"What?" she whispered back.

"Why are you so happy? I would have thought you'd be upset after what happened with my brother...I mean Tedros?" she corrected herself, and hoped Sophie hadn't caught on.

"Teddykins is just confused. He thinks that just because i've been incorrectly placed in this awful school, he can't go out with me. He loves me really, just afraid of risking everything for me. Which, I suppose I should be upset about, but then again, isn't it just so chivalrous of him to want to protect the balance of good and evil?"

"Yeah, so chivalrous but do you have a plan? I mean, are you just going to wait until he decides to one day ruin the balance just so he can date a girl?" Luna said incredulously.

"Yes, pretty much." Sophie replied.

"If you want my advice, do something he can't ignore. But do something for other people." Luna offered, but Sophie didn't look impressed.

"Well, I don't want your advice because I know Teddy much better than you, and I know what he wants!"

Luna raised her eyebrows. "And you think that he"

She nodded in satisfaction.

But Luna had no time to argue, for she noticed that Professor Dovey had made her way into the Blue forest, and was talking to Yuba.

"Hey, look." she said, nudging Sophie. "What d'you think they're talking about?"

"Who cares? Unless it's preparation for the ball in which case I could offer them my help; I am great at interior design." she said.

"Luna!" Yuba yelled across the forest. "Professor Dovey would like to speak to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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