Wish Fish

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"Why are you even bothering with that?" Agatha asked Luna, watching her apply a layer of lipgloss their first morning before lessons.

"Don't you want to make a good impression?" Luna replied.

"Why? I won't be here for much longer."

"You say that, but it's already been a whole day and night and you're still here. If there was a mistake don't you think they would have fixed it by now?"

"Look at me. I am the mistake."

"Or maybe you just need to make more of an effort." Luna threw Agatha a lipstick which she immediately threw in the bin without a second glance. Luna just smiled and began to walk out the door, before stopping in the threshold. "Promise me you'll try today?"

Agatha just nodded half-heartedly, before quickly throwing on her pink pinafore to get it over with, and made her way to breakfast.


Luna got lost on the way to breakfast.

She was starving, but after 15 minutes of searching, she gave up and decided to try and find her way back to her room for a quick glance over the books the school had given them, ready to make a good impression in her first class.

Instead, she had stumbled upon Merlin's Menagerie, as the school map named it, a room full of carefully sculpted hedges playing out the scene's from King Arthur's tale.

Luna found herself sitting there, absorbing the peaceful tranquility that reversed the normal view of a school.

One hedge in particular caught her eye - a sculpture of King Arthur and Guinevere at the alter.

Before she ran off with Lancelot, Guinevere had been like a mother to Luna. Even Lancelot had been like family, before he betrayed them all.

Even though she was young when they left, Luna could still remember how unhappy Guinevere had been; the fact that someone so young could recognise this was unbelievable.

Suddenly, Luna realised the time. She was going to be late.


Animal communication was taught by Princess Uma. Needless to say, Luna had no desire to call animals to her rescue, but she also had no desire to place 20th in her class.

"Evil has many weapons on its side," Uma began. "Poisons, plagues, curses, hexes, henchmen and black, black magic. But you have animals!"

Luna heard Agatha snicker, and even some of the other girls looked sceptical.

"So, today's challenge will be...Wish Fish! They dig inside your soul and find your greatest wish! Now, all you do is put your finger in the water and the fish will read your soul!"

Luna suddenly found herself racking her brain for what she would wish for, before realising she would probably find out soon enough. She tried to hide at the back, obscured by the love-drunk princesses in front, wishing over and over again for boys to ask them to the Ever's Snow Ball at the end of term.

Eventually, her go came, and she stepped up to dip her finger in the crystal waters - the fish began changing colour, swirling to form nothing in the slightest but a mix of colours fogging up the clear waters

"Foggy mind again." Princess Uma said, but as Luna looked back down into the waters, she saw a faint image that no one else seemed to have noticed, of... herself.

The Never Princess of Camelot | A School for Good and Evil FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora