The Clearing

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Luna knew she needed to get to her next class, her grades falling dangerously low, but she couldn't make herself get off her bed, as if her body didn't want to put itself through another torturous lesson. Instead, she just lay there, listening and looking up at the ceiling.

It wasn't until Agatha came back into their room that she realised she'd missed the whole lesson, and it seemed to have gone by in one minute.

"What are you doing?" Agatha said, sitting down on her own bed. Luna knew Agatha wouldn't be one to complain that she'd bunked off.

"Thinking." Luna replied absent-mindedly.

"Well think about this, will you: what's one thing Evil can never have but Good can't live without?"

Luna paused. "Well I don't know, do I? Why are you asking me dumb riddles?"

"The School Master told me and Sophie we need to solve it in order to get home." she said.

Luna peered around at the Reader, a sceptical look on her face. "Was that a joke?"


Luna paused again, thinking - why would Agatha lie? "When you say the School Master, you mean..."

"The School Master yes." Agatha repeated, emphasising.

"Not like, Professor Dovey?" Luna offered.

"Why would Professor Dovey give me a riddle?" Agatha replied sceptically.

"Why would the School Master give you a riddle?" Luna responded, puzzled.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"Don't be ridiculous, no one's seen the School Master."

"And yet, he gave me a riddle."

"So your not joking? You mean it? You saw him?" Luna asked, intrigued now that she believed her.

"Yeah, why, is that a big deal?"

"Not even the Deans have seen the School Master, Agatha."

"Well, me and Sophie did. Not properly, though - he was wearing a mask." she said, propping her chin up with her hands. "He didn't look anything like he did when we were kidnapped."

Luna hesitated. "What was it like? To get taken? To come here?"

"Sophie always wanted to be kidnapped. She only became friends with me to show the School Master how good she was. I was happy alone, but now, I wouldn't trade her for anything - even a fairty tale school."

"And does Sophie think the same?"

"No. But maybe her being put in Evil was a blessing. Maybe she won't trade a fairy tale school, but she'll definitely trade an evil one."


Lunch wasn't exactly sure why lunch was eaten in the clearing with both Evers and Nevers present, when both groups kept to themselves, not even sparing a glance for the students of the opposing schools.

Her and Agatha sat down alone under a tree in the clearing, before they were interrupted by a shrill voice coming their way.

"Aggie!" It was Sophie, unsurprisingly. "You wouldn't believe the day I've had." she said, taking Agatha's lunch basket and swapping it with hers. "Here's your lunch. Who's this?" she said motioning at Luna.

"Her friend." Luna replied, putting her hand firmly on the handle of the basket and pulling it back with a smirk, only to have Sophie doing the same in her direction.

"Agatha, darling, please tell your friend this is my lunch and you're perfectly happy eating mine."

Agatha just stared blankly at them both, before Luna let go and realised it wasn't worth it. As stubborn as she was, she knew she would be the one to give up first.



Me, Hester and Dot wandered round the clearing, trying to find a spot to claim. Hester wanted somewhere that would show some sort of dominance during lunch and leave their mark on the clearing for future generations. It seemed a bit over the top, but by Hester's standards this was normal.

We finally found a spot by the tallest tree in the clearing, which had a few low hanging branches which were perfect to sit on.

"Why do you think the School Master started her fairy tale?" Dot said, and both me and Hester looking in the direction of her eyes to see her staring at Agatha and Sophie, sat under a tree with another girl.

"I don't know and I don't care. If she wins another one of my challenges she won't live to see another day of her precious fairy tale." Hester spat, glaring at Sophie, her jaw set.

"And what about Prince Charming over there? Think he's part of this story?" I said something I had been wondering for a while now - did the School Master's riddle have something to do with Tedros?

Hester snorted. "If he is he won't be by the end. And if he is it will only prove the School Master really is Good."

This seemed to signal the end of the conversation and we peered out across the clearing in sync, just in time to watch the girl who was sitting with Agatha and Sophie stand up and strut into the area of the clearing where we were sat. But she wasn't the only one. An Everboy, Tedros' friend, ran too, following her.

Hester put a finger to her lips to signal me and Dot to be silent.

"What are you doing?" A voice rang out from below us - the boy.

"I could ask you the same question. Why are you following me?"

"That's a different question."

"Shut up, Chaddick." she replied.

Of course. I thought to myself. This was the girl who'd made a mess of their first surviving fairy tales class.

"I can't believe you chose Dot over me in that challenge. Why would you do that? To humiliate me?" Luna said, sounding hurt.

"No! Of course not! I mean, I genuinely thought that was you."

Luna shook her head. "You're just as bad as Tedros." she said, shoving her way through the leaves that crowded the clearing, going the opposite direction to Chaddick. I noticed her finger glowing a bright purple and recoiled in shock. It was bright - it's light only matched by that i'd seen of Hester's one time. And Hester had seemed to notice it too; she was glaring right at it in curiosity.

Luna seemed to have not realised though, in fact, as she turned around and threw her hands up in frustration at Chaddick's relentless calling to her, a wave of magic seemed to hit him, throwing him backwards.

Luna watched, her face set. Rule number One of Surviving Fairytales: The Good Forgive.

But I could tell Luna hadn't forgiven at all.

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