The Challenge

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"Calm down, Luna." Tedros said, walking over to the fire, obviously thinking of ways to be heroic and save all the helpless girls from this fire.

"You know her?" The Everboy Nicholas said with a confused look.

"Er...yeah she's..."

Luna shot him a look which said it all.

"I must have heard her name on the class list." He said, and this seemed to be a convincing enough answer for the rest of the students.

"Enough of this!" Yuba yelled, extinguishing the fire with one wave of his staff. "Now, the first challenge will be to distinguish between an ever and never when they both look identical."

"How are we meant to do that?" Hort yelled from the back of the group.

"You have to remember the five rules." He wrote them in the air with his staff.

1: The Evil attack. The Good defend.

2: The Evil punish. The Good forgive.

3:The Evil hurt. The Good help.

4: The Evil take. The Good give.

5: The Evil hate. The Good love.

"As long as you obey the rules for your side, you have the best possible chance of surviving your fairy tale. These rules should come with ease of course. You have been chosen for your schools precisely because you show them at the highest level." Yuba said. "But first you must be able to recognise good from evil. In the woods, appearances are often deceiving."

Yuba announced that the challenge was to distinguish the ever and never between two students that he would turn identical.

The first to try was Hort. Placing a blindfold on his eyes, Yuba turned Millicent and Ravan both into identical cobras.

Hort whipped off his blindfold and stared in shock. "They look the same!"

"That's the point, idiot." Luna said.

"Test them!" Yuba said, "Use the rules!"

"I don't even remember the rules." Hort said, and Yuba took this as a cue to move onto the next people.

"You." Yuba pointed at Dot. "And you." He pointed at Luna.

"Me?" I asked incredulously.

In response, Yuba turned both girls into identical squirrels. Luna felt herself shrink and her clothes fall off her as she morphed into the animal.

She could only hear Yuba issuing orders before she glanced at who he was pointing to: Chaddick. He removed his blindfold and stared at the two girls.

"This is impossible." Luna heard him mutter. Eventually, he let himself walk over to one of the two squirrels. "This is the one. This is Luna."

Yuba waved his staff and the two girls morphed back into humans and Chaddick recoiled in shock as he realised his mistake. He had picked Dot.

Frustrated, Luna marched up to Chaddick."You did that on purpose! You picked Dot so I would get a low ranking!" she yelled, and sure enough, at the end of the lesson, a number 17 appeared above her head. At least it wasn't a 20.


It wasn't until Luna arrived back at her room and thought back over the day's events that she realised; her finger had glowed because she was magic. She was in a magic school.

The prospect of this was so strange; magic was banned at Camelot and had been all her life.

But this begged the question: why had that fire happened? None of them had learnt to light their finger yet, and why had hers started a fire?

There was nothing more annoying than not knowing.

But she had no time to dwell on it - she had her next lesson.

The Never Princess of Camelot | A School for Good and Evil FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now