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Riku's POV

So far, so good.

Shiro trusted Amsel.

A lot.

Probably more than me; which I'm not gonna lie: it hurt a little. But as long as he felt somewhat safe and comfortable I was content.

Amsel cleaned up lunch when we were finished. Shiro tried to help but Amsel was too quick and told him not to worry about it.

"You are a guest. Not a slave. Not a Pet. I however am getting paid to do this so you relax and go talk to this blockhead". I glared irritatingly at the name he called me. But never seriously or meanly.

"I resent that statement". I tried to sneak that in there but it seems he was ignoring me as he closed the tray and looked to Shiro again.

"I know he seems crazy but that's just. . . yeah I have no words. Just look out for him. And when you meet Nate I give you full permission to smack both of them upside the head as hard as you can when they try to do stupid things". He gave Shiro the most encouraging smile as Shiro started to giggle.


It takes everything in me not to jump over this table and smother him.

I never knew I had this much self-control. I hope it won't be tested too hard. But no matter what, I know I would never do anything to hurt him. Maybe cry a little but no permanent damage. Oh my! When did I become a sadist? Once he said "Yes"! All excited about our plan, I knew then there was no doubt I was still madly in love with the Shiro from back then and the one from now. No matter what happens, I'll love him. Even if he were to literally or metaphorically stab me in the back.

Though, If it were literal, I hope I would fall forward and not see it was him.
That is probably the dumbest and/or naive thing that has ever entered my mind.

"Where do you want to talk"? Shiro asked me this; thankfully tearing me away from my unusual thoughts.

"How about my study"? I spent most of my time there so it's always the first place in the house I think to go.

"Okay". Shiro said joyfully and jumped up from his seat.

It's hard to believe the age gap wasn't that wide.

He and Amsel exchanged their goodbyes and Amsel rolled the table/tray thingy away.

If she heard me think that, she would be disappointed in me. After all those etiquette lessons she gave me. I let out a saddened chuckle at the memory of her frustration during those lessons.

"Are you alright"? Shiro looked uncertain now.

"Oh yes. I was just remembering something a little sad from the past". I hoped I sounded reassuring.

As we made it to the lift pad Shiro seemed to be deep in thought but I was a little scared to probe.

We were lifted to the second floor and made our way down the hall to my study.

I went in first and Shiro oddly enough closed the door behind him.

I was surprised and pleased that he felt comfortable enough around me to do this. At least he knew I wasn't going to kill him. Or maybe he thought if he tried to run, it would be pointless.

I knew he had to have at least thought this with previous owners but I hoped it was the first thing. I made my way to my seat and told him to sit.

Looking a bit uncertain still, he walked over to the couch, grabbed a pillow, and walked over to me.

I had no clue what he was going to do because I knew he would not attempt to suffocate me with it or even hit me.
What he did though, shocked me.

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