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Riku POV:

I've taken over "PET" from my father.

He built the company from the ground up after Ben Petters was elected into office back then and declared that because of the high poverty rate, humans were allowed to sell their bodies legally. However, there was to be a system to do it.

They would be giving up partial human rights. Once they became a "Pet" there was no going back. You would belong to your owner and if they threw you away, you would still be registered as a "Pet" and have to find a new master. There was going back.

The upperclassmen took them in as special "Pets". "Pets" became more and more popular as
the elites started to use them as slaves.

Even though they were human, they were treated less than animals. But some were lucky enough to have a generous owner.

These "Pets" were used more as slaves than companions. For regular work such as cooking and cleaning. And then there were the ones that were used for other.... tasks. Such as being used as sex slaves.

After the first 10 months, we have realized when they reproduce, if their "Pet" allows it, the children can be sold when they reach the age of 16 if they so wish to do so.

So they became even more popular and valuable because now they were seen as an investment. No one did anything about it because everyone was doing it. Again there were those who were kind and really did treat their pets kindly and as an equal but they did want to keep their pets so they didn't dare change the laws. They just did what they could to help a "Pet" in need. The "Pets" never retaliated. Of course, there were a few rebellious ones.

But you would be surprised at how willing they were in raising and training their children to become pets. They most likely knew their master wouldn't want them and they thought that if their children were "Pets', they would be fine.

Besides they had no money or anything to look back on. Once a "Pet" was registered, so were any children they would have.

Sad really but it is a choice. They choose this. Their children have the same choice but what other choice do they really have.

The only thing I hate about my company, was there was no protection for abused "Pets".

I have made it my mission to come up with a full proof proposal to ensure the security of "Pets". For now, I may be in charge but there is still a lot of planning to be done so until I can ensure their safety, I can only do background checks on members and locate underground operations in my company's name.

Because of the basic obligations I have with running my company, there is little time for me to work on my underground project.

And I have put any free time I have to work towards the completion of my project.

Now because of that, I have little time to socialize. I have only 3 people I can call my friends. My secretary Amsel who has been with me to protect me since I was 16 (going through my rebellious phase), my partner in crime (Nah just business) Nathaniel who graduated college as my co-valedictorian, taking over my fathers' company together, and Nathaniel's "Pet" Fifi. She was bought when she was 19 coming from a family of "Pets". Sweet girl. Been with Nathaniel since we took over the company. Nathaniel tells me he loves her but wants to wait until he is 100% positive she loves him to propose. All of us get along great...well except for Amsel and Nathaniel. Amsel is my protector while Nathaniel has shown me the fun side of life. I don't know what I would do without them. They balance each other out so I'm sane.

But because I have been spending every moment of my free time working on my SECRET proposal, they have banned together to gang up on me and tell me I should have someone else in my life claiming, and I quote, I need to "get out there" and "stop living alone being antisocial".

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