Dine With Devils

419 14 4

Riku POV

The only sound in the house was my heartbeat.

I could feel it throughout my body.

Every pulse.

Every cell.

Rushing to a part of my body that's heating up.

I love you

The words turned in my head again and again. Making sure I heard correctly.

"'I love you". That's what I just heard. I'm pretty sure that's what all of us just heard". Fifi sounded like she was giving me one of my business proposals. Pointing to everyone to confirm this.

We all nodded, and Shiro looked down embarrassed but still nodding his head.

"Cool." She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Shiro, do you regret it or want to take it back"?

His head shot up horrified as he frantically shook his head no.

I have to admit I was panicking for a second.

Would he say such a weighty phrase with no feelings behind that?

But as he shook his head no, relief swelled within me.

"And now for the recipient, how do you feel about it"? Nathan piped in looking at me. All eyes, including Shiros', landed on me.

I looked around the room and nerves started to rattle my veins.

Not with fear, but with joy. For I could finally tell everyone the truth.

"I've already confessed". I admitted to everyone. Amsel was the only one with a bit of a reaction.

Just a slight raise of his brow but I knew that meant that we would be talking later.

I guess I really do need to speak with him more and get closer to him; especially since he has had my back and has saved my ass time and time again.

Fifi clapped her hands squealing like a fan girl at a concert.

"This is all great. Now you two can think of this after dinner and discuss it tomorrow morning-"

I cleared my voice cutting her off then gave an innocent smile to Shiro as if I had it on the entire time so he wouldn't see the disapproving look I gave Fifi.

There was no way in Hell I was waiting till tomorrow morning! I wouldn't be able to sleep.

"Or later tonight," she added nodding with understanding.

"But let's go now because you two getting busy caused us to have to wait longer and my stomach is getting hungrier. Let us GO"! She was very exasperated.

And because of course, she knew.

Hell, they could probably hear us now that I think of Shiro squealing and helplessly yelping under me.

As the thoughts of earlier crept back into my pants- I meant mind, I felt a small hand lace with mine; interrupting my daydreaming but leading me into another.

"I'm hungry too. Can we go now"? Shiro asked snaking his delicate arms around my left one and squeezing his fingers around me.

I lifted his chin up with my other hand as gently as physically possible.

"I could've sworn you were just full but if you insist my angel". I purred into his ear.

I felt the physical shock cross my face as a devilish smirk crossed his.

The blush still colored his face seconds later.

Sexy and adorable. I really hit the jackpot. I did promise myself that I would love him and accept him no matter what when I reunited with him. I would help in and try to make up for all the lost time.


After dinner, everyone went to their perspective homes.

Shiro was so adorable. I felt so bad we picked such a nice restaurant.

He had no elite table etiquette so it was hard for him to know what certain menu items were, follow along with the silverware, and our etiquette. He got flustered a lot but I helped him along the way; each time being greeted with a grateful smile.

I hate to see him suffer but this only wants to make me teach him everything in the world even more.

The evening went on and Shiro and Fifi had gone through two bottles of wine.

I looked to Nathan "So, how are your morals doing"? I asked in a hushed tone as Shiro and Fifi were laughing at something Amsel said and he started to sulk.

"What do you mean? Because if you mean what I think you mean..." He turned his head to look at the two cackling witches across the table, "Then... I always leave it up to them. Since you guys have a pretty established relationship, I'd take another ''shower'' if I were you".

I hate him but I love him so much.

I turned to look at the angel I'd desired for years and asked,

"Would you care for a desert angel"? I asked sweetly.

They barely stopped laughing when he answered: "Awww. I thought I was desert". And then Fifi playfully tapped his arm as they snickered.

"Shhhh you naughty boy". She said as they burst out laughing. "But let's order it to go because I would like my dessert asap". She winked at Nate and he gave her a wicked smile.

"Better ask for extra whipped cream". He replied.

Amsel was rolling his eyes and shaking his head in his hand in embarrassment over how his adult friends were behaving. I can't say I wouldn't do the same in his shoes. It was quite the conversation.

Pushing himself up from the table, he let out a puff of air.

"Well, I think I'll just get these two in the car and I take it you two can get the bill and some edible dessert"? He waved his fingers between the both of us and we both shrugged in a "what can I say" way, but we laughed as he gave a jokingly disappointed head shake and collected our loved ones.

Watching Amsel guide Shiro and Fifi to the exit our waiter came over and handed me a note with our bill. Thinking nothing of it since I wanted to be by my angels' side asap, I hurriedly paid the bill and helped Nate collect the desserts.

As we stepped into the car, Shiro curled up against my arm and said: "Thank you for this". And pulled himself up to kiss my cheek.

Dare I say it I blushed.... However, my cheeks aren't the only place my blood rushed.

Amsel dropped Fifi and Nate home and we bid them goodnight. Fifi had to be carried in because she had fallen asleep in the car.

When we reached our destination, Shiro looked up at me with innocent eyes and made 'uppy' hands at me even though he was wide awake.

I carried him straight to the bedroom.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the long wait I've moved, become a stepmom, became a daycare teacher, and now I'm pregnant 🤰🏽 yayyy! So life got crazy but I'm almost done with my schooling so I should have more free time to write come New Years😇 I cannot thank everyone enough for the constant support and care and I never in a million years thought I'd have over 21k reads🤩🤩🤩 it makes me feel so included and seen🥹🥹 as where I was the outcast back at school and my workplace 😅🥲 but here's part one because I figured I made everyone wait long enough and I felt really bad😅 but it's getting juicier than I anticipated so I hope as time goes by I get better at my writing ✍️ and you guys get what you've been looking for💗

P.S. spicy 🥵 scene up ahead 🥳

Please continue to like, comment, share, and add my book😇 every notification gives me more and more motivation to continue something I started years ago! You guys make me so happy and proud I picked this back up😇🥰

With much love and thanks


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