Treated like a new pet

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Nate and I discussed my game plan and he is willing to do anything and everything to help me. I am so grateful to have friends like this. He may be the friend that gets me off the book and all, but at the end of the day and when it comes down to it I know I can always count on him to help and support me. I think that's why Amsel has always had a soft spot for him despite everything he's ever said.

We sat back in our seats to collect our thoughts. As I sat back, my eyes wandered to my watch and I saw that it was already 8:57.

"Hey, Nate"? I said catching his attention.

"Yeah"? He said.

"Sorry to interrupt your thought and cut this meeting short..."

"Say no more". He held up his hand. "I came here on pleasure. Not business. Just remember everything we talked about and take things slow. You remember what Fifi had gone through before me".

Fifi had had some of the worst of the worst with the scars to prove it. It took forever for Fifi to open up to Nathaniel. That's why he's still waiting to propose. He wants to make sure she feels loved and comfortable. He has never forced her to do anything against her will. But sometimes, the past causes too much damage and affects the present too much for us to fix normally or ignore.

I know that feeling all too well.

I have had longer to fix it. Nightmares obviously still occur, however, any other symptoms of PTSD have practically vanished. It was never that severe, to begin with, and I never sought out counseling, just read some therapeutic books to help.

"Yes. I understand. I want to avoid any distrust and or anxiety. I want him to be my equal. I love him. That's why I never took up a lover". I was always very passionate about finding him, but never showed it. I'm shocked by how I was able to keep everything under wraps for so long.

He rose from his seat and came up to me as I also rose from my seat.

"Just call me when you need me and also let me know when Fifi can come. She's restless but she does understand the situation so it won't be so bad. Just tread lightly". He extended his hand for a handshake and I grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a hug.

He hugged me back knowing I needed all the strength I  could get for the next few hours. These very crucial hours.

I pulled away while we held each other's shoulders as we did back in college before a big game.

I walked him back to the door to see him off and grab the packages I had ordered.

"That's a lot". Pointing at them as if he were saying 'Dude, WTF'.

"I know I don't know exact sizes or tastes but it's just for a few days while I give him his space". I said sheepishly but definitely. I have been contradicting myself way too much lately.

I reached for the dolly in the closet as Nate started walking down the steps waving bye shaking his head in disbelief.

"Good luck Riku". Was the last thing he said before hopping into his car and speeding away.

After he drove off, I closed my door, assembled the packages on the dolly, and headed to the hover pad.

As it lifted me up to the second floor, my heart rate increased.

I hadn't been this nervous since that day. It's not like I plan to confess today. I don't even plan on speaking to him.

What should I say when I do speak to him?!

Now my heart rate increased again.

I need to focus.

I step off the lift and walk towards the room where the most important person in my life lies.

The Master's Pet (BoyXBoy) Where stories live. Discover now