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He was running.

He didn't know where he was trying to go. Feeling every sharp and suffocating intake of breath as he ran as fast as his already cramping legs would permit him to go. His face hardening due to the seemingly endless flow of tears drying on his face.

No. he thought.

NOT her! Anyone but her.

Grass and dirt kicking up behind him but not enough to leave a trail. Trees merging into the background like watercolor paint; his tears acting as the water.

After running for who knows how long, he came upon a clearing. A narrow river and broad stone bridge through a plain. The bridge was much wider than the river.

He ran to it and collapsed under the bridge curling up staining his royal blue shirt, burgundy jacket, and khaki shorts as he rocked slightly to the beat of her heart.

Memories flashing past of their time together.




And pleasant atmospheres

He cried harder; screaming till no sound could escape his now entangled vocal cords as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Takashi's POV

I awoke to the light of the sunset casting on my eyelids.

My jacket was draped over me and my shoes had been removed and placed near me.

Memories of how I ended up here like raging waves crashing into my mind; causing me to grab my head in preparation for an oncoming headache. Some of that saltwater breaking the sand barrier that was my eyelids.

Shaking my head I started to look around before I could think about it anymore, wanting to take in my surroundings. I knew I ran, but I have no clue for how long nor the direction I ran. No phone or watch on me so god knows how long I was out. Hopefully just for the afternoon.

Looking around I knew I was under a bridge and as I turned around I noticed I wasn't alone. Next to me, I heard a rustle in the grass as a body turned over in their sleep. 

I looked over my shoulder to see who had aided me in my time of unconsciousness to find a sleeping boy.

I froze.

The figure was that of a small boy. A very beautiful small boy.

I felt compelled to rub his back to make sure there were no wings because I could've sworn he was an angel.

What am I saying!? I don't talk like that. That's... corny and ... no.

Still... I'm not wrong.

He had a cute baby face with platinum golden locks covering his eyes.

How I wish he would open them!

Before I do something stupid, I checked ou- I mean admired the rest of him.

The same state as myself. Jacket over what I could see was a white shirt, black leggings that hugged his curves just right and shoes off.

Oh no, why am I thinking like this?! I have never thought like this before. He is at least three years younger than me! I was not about to date a 10 year old!

Why am I even considering dating?! Now I know I'm not straight but....

I just want him to open his eyes.

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