Amnesia { Nagisa x Rei }

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"Breath in...

Breath out... "

'Rei, I'm sorry! I take back what I said!' The blue haired boy ran out of the door, tailing him being the one and only strawberry blonde, Nagisa.

" Breath in...

Breath out..."

'No, leave me alone! I trusted you!' He turned round in fury, eyeing the boy from the crown of his head, to the soles of his feet in utter disgust. He shook his head and ran off onto the pavement just outside of the house before crossing onto the road.

" Breath in...


'Please! Don't go, Rei. Please! I lo--' but before he was finished, the blue haired boy turned towards him with a sad expression; before the collision had happened.

" Breath!

Breath! "

'REI, WAKE UP, OH MY GOD REI' the blonde ran up towards the unconscious body that lay lifeless on the road, trying to pry his deadweight body off of the floor but being told not to by passersbys who witnessed the scene.



'Someone call bloody,999!'
'He's loosing alot of blood'
'Does he have any relatives we can call? '
All these questions were being thrown about but Nagisa didn't care. The love of his life was on the verge of death;
And he was the reason why.

Nagisa bolted upright, sweat and angst saturated his entire face.

It was another nightmare. Well, more like a horrible flashback since it was only memories that he dreamt of.

Nothing new. Same tribulation for the past 3 weeks.

With one long wipe, he oliberated the grime and disposal liquid from his face. Only the excessive dirt was removed because most of it had embedded itself Into his skin overnight.

This indicated that he needed to freshen himself up, despite he had washed only 5 hours ago.

Please, can this not become a habit! ?

Ever since the incident, Nagisa had never come to a point where he was able to reconcile with himself. He didn't see himself as clean or worthy of anything he did, said or thought.

Bathing was the only escape he had from the infiltration of dirt and wrong doing in his life. He'd scrub himself dry to the bone- no inch of his body left impure.

He'd come out of the bathroom feeling unscathed and immaculate to then, not so long after, being dirtied and spoiled by the outside world.

I'm an absolute mess. Arn't I?

By now, Nagisa had gotten up from his god forbidden bed and looked himself in the mirror.

His skin scraped and toughened in some places, due to his plethoric scrubbing- It no longer being butter smooth.

Blemishes and uneven platches marauded his face.

He didn't look or feel robust, let alone be in an actual healthy condition.

His friends and family urged him to get some sort of help but he felt that the only help he needed was to wallow and rot in the deepest depths of hell to an extent where pain was all he could, would and ever feel.

He felt as if it was all his fault. As if he was the reason why one of his best friends suffered from Amnesia. Why his longest known friend couldn't remember anything about humanity in all of its favor.

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