1 | Reality-242

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                  THE MOON SHONE brightly in the sky, illuminating the tall building and casting a never-ending shadow over the streets below. Rain poured unrelentingly, drenching all those who dared leave the safety of their homes. Alarms blared violently in the distance, feet pounding the ground in a desperate dash for freedom.

The white haired woman dashed into a dank alleyway, her heart almost racing at she begun to tire out from all the dodging and weaving she had to do.

'Frack,' she cursed, her eyes lifting momentarily from the notebook in her hand as she emerged from the darkness of the alleyway, squinting as the two moons glared harshly down on the invader. "Almost done... almost done." she mumbled, her eyes darting around as she hurriedly scribbled in her book.

Ignoring the yells for her to 'cease and desist!', she pushed herself to run faster, pouching the book as she ran towards alleyway adjacent to the one she had emerged from, climbing on top of a parked car and launching herself at the first fire escape she could see. She hit the metal with a painful thud, groaning at she struggled to pull herself up - sprinting as fast as she could up the stairs.

Huffing as she finally reached the top, she stopped to take a breather and reached into her pouch for her journal, flicking through the pages carefully.

'Not very primitive,' she noted, 'Citizens of reality-242, planet 1, have two heads. They seem to still run on a monarch system, relying on steam for powering their houses, cars and other objects. Very hostile peoples, do not return. From the scan I did, reality-242 seems to be apart of an intergalactic war, the universe is categorised into two peoples: those with two heads and those with only one.'

'They believe me to be a spy for the enemy side and wish to capture me for questioning.' she mumbled, eyes lifting slightly to see one of the police officers that were chasing her climbing onto the roof.

'FLEE BOR ARITA!' the two-headed man exclaimed, holding a round object in the air at her.

[Stop right there!]

The woman thought hard, translating his sentence into her mind and formulating a response, before smiling warmly at the man, 'Ah, tio doo fleer... borto?'

[Oh, I'm leaving... sorry?]

The language was foreign on her tongue, the words getting jumped around before she huffed angrily at her embarrassing attempt to speak Pioflee (pronounced ee-oh-flee), the language the planet spoke.

The police officer's eyebrows raised, the two heads looking at each other and trying to translate the broken Pioflee in their heads, but when they turned back to arrest the enemy, she had jumped off of the roof and was disappearing into the night.

She had found herself in an abandoned warehouse, sighing in frustration as she mentally crossed another reality off of her list.

'I mean, reality-242 wasn't really promising to begin with.' she reassured herself, writing the final notes about the reality in her journal. Missing reality-1218 she flicked back until her fingers ran over her relaxed handwriting.

Humming to herself she smiled at the pages, 'Reality-1218, I landed on a planet that called itself earth. They assumed they're the only ones in their universe and are constantly at war with themselves. There's some places with a monarch system but are mainly democratic.' she read aloud, smiling softly, 'On Earth, there are no powered people but there are people who act in motion pictures, or films, that are treated like heroes.'

''Celebrities' I was particularly fond of was Tom Hiddleston, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Aniston, Ewan McGregor and a few more. They struggle with social justice, like equality and racism.' her voice turned sad, "'they had turned their guns on their own citizens for revolting. Children kill other children. This reality is doomed for self-destruction. They do not learn from their history.'

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