11 | Reunions

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        WHEN NYX EMERGED from her portal, her presence was immediately felt by Loki. His head, which had been previously nose deep in a novel, snapped up at the familiar sound of a fabric ripping, a telltale sign of Nyx. The sound told him that after all this time, she finally returned. His chest felt tight as he watched her step through, her hair freshly trimmed and her limp barely noticeable now. Cartoon band aids were now on her fingertips. He released the illusion immediately, sitting up to look at her in disbelief.

Now, although Nyx wasn't expecting a huge welcome party, or even Loki showing visible excitement at her return she couldn't say she wasn't disappointed at the completely lack of care on Loki's part. To her, it seemed that though their break from each other only further damaged their relationship, which Nyx recognised as Loki's abandonment issues rearing its ugly head. Mental health was important, and Nyx needed to get away from the cruelty that Loki was spitting at her, despite the kindness he could give shining through occasionally. The good was few and far in between. But while she put herself first for her mental and physical wellbeing and while she was enjoying her freedom and newfound friendships; Loki was trapped in a prison he was sent to by his own family, he was suffering alone, and her absence was a reminder that she left him too.

Nyx had spotted the illusion as its green shimmers disappeared, feeling her heart warm as she realised he had cast an illusion of her in her cell to avoid suspicion. There was a slightly foul smell that wafted from the build up of rotted bread and mystery meat, the cheese still looking pretty good in comparison.

'Hey,' Nyx spoke, shifting on her foot as she fiddled with the band-aids on her hands. Loki's eyes locked onto her as he watched her take a step towards the barrier, her eyes downcast.

Loki quirked an eyebrow, casting the woman an unimpressed glance from over the top of his book, 'you've been gone for a month and all you say is, 'hey'?'

Nyx shifted uncomfortably again, keeping her gaze on the floor. She blushed as she heard her stomach rumble loudly knowing it was a result of jumping through a reality but was glad that they had shared a large dinner together before she left. Thinking back on it, the pizza in that reality was needlessly large and she was surprised she even ate it all – or at least, she thought she ate it all until a bitter thought crossed her mind.

Damn, I left a slice behind.

'I've been gone for a month, and you can't even muster a greeting?' Nyx sassed back, a frown slipping over her features. Her palms began to slightly sweat, her heart racing as she gathered the courage to look him in the face. He had soft bags under his eyes, his hair unwashed and slightly messy. His outfit remained the same, which brought a small smile to her face.

Loki sighed in annoyance, 'I didn't ask you to leave,' he snapped softly, slamming his book closed as he sent her a seething glare.

'Well, you sure as hell didn't make me feel welcome!' she seethed, raising her voice as her anger flared. Loki's shoulder straightened and Nyx could see from her position that his jaw clenched as well.

Loki dropped his book onto his bed, storming up to the barrier with a nasty look on his features, 'why bother coming back then? If I am the monster you make me out to be?'

'Because I care about you, dumbass!' Nyx yelled with ferocity, silencing the God. Nyx felt a surge and her ears rang slightly. He blinked a few times, taking in her words with shock before his eyes caught sight of something behind her, gaining her attention as she took a few breaths to calm her anger.

'What-' she breathed, 'what are you looking at?' she trailed off, turning around to see what had caught his attention in the middle of their argument.

When Nyx turned around, she saw that in her anger she had accidently opened five portals to what the pair assumed were different realities – something that had never happened before. Nyx had read the scripture of her people and their capabilities and history, but this had never been mentioned once. Never had there been a reality walker that was able to open more than a singular portal in their entire history.

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