1 | I'm 2D!

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“A dream is a wish your heart makes.”— Cinderella

Chapter One

THE ALARM CLOCK beeped annoyingly, repeatedly, and—

Hold on. Ishii's mind jolted her awake.

I didn't set an alarm. I don't even have a damn alarm clock.

Her eyes snapped open, but she instantly clamped them shut when she was met with the glaring light of the early morning sun.

What in the Tartarus? She asked herself. I closed the blinds last night.

And she did close them last night. She slept at around one in the morning, moping around at how she could have just slept during her entire birthday instead of entertaining all those people. Sure, they were friends, family, and acquaintances, but Ishii loves sleeping more than people.

After the party last night, she had rushed upstairs, eager to sleep. But she closed the blinds right before she let sleep consume her.

At present time, nothing changed. She still wants to sleep. She felt her body sinking more into the soft bed, and without another second wasted, she was back in dreamland.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The alarm clock was at it again.

"Damn it." She cussed out loud, stuffing her face into the pillow she was laying face first on.

"I don't even have a fucking alarm clock." Ishii... Well, Ishii doesn't have the cleanest mouth.

She's very verbal, but also very kind.

She's a mix of explosive, kind, and extremely introverted.

Weird, huh?

Well, Ishii's weird.

But who are we to judge, aye? We all have a certain amount of weird in our bodies— and that's okay.

Weird is good.

"Itchei!" A woman's voice echoed throughout the entire house.

That's how Ishii's name is pronounced. Itch-eh-yi.

"Itchei you're late for school!" The woman shouted again.

Ishii couldn't hear the woman's shouts. Her voice was muffled by the pillow Ishii was stuffing her face into.

It's probably just Mom again. Ishii thought to herself as she tried going back to sleep.

She doesn't even have school yet. There's still a week left of summer break before she has to go back as a first year student at Partridge High School, New York City. It's probably just her mother's excuse to get her up so early in the morning to do chores again.

"Itchei don't let me come in your room!" The woman was getting so annoyed.

Her raven colored hair cascaded down her back and her front. Her skintight clothes left nothing to the imagination. She doesn't like her clothes at all. If it weren't for work, she would probably not be donning any skintight clothes— heck she probably would only be wearing satin shorts and a matching sleeveless top. But noooo— her boss was constantly nagging her about wearing her work clothes and not the comfortable ones she liked so much.

"It's her first day at school and the girl's being such a pain." The woman itched the back of her head.

"But then again, she deserves a break." She pondered over the thought, her eyes dimming as she remembered what happened to the girl. "Oh if only Isabella were still here."

Inside her room, the girl was still trying to sleep. But there was an itch in both her palms. She was getting so annoyed by it.

She was very stubborn so she never opened her eyes as she wanted to sleep still. But the itch in her palms was pushing her to the brink of insanity.

Her eyes snapped open and she glared at her palms—

"Holy shit!" She screamed bloody murder.

The woman who was in the kitchen fixing up hers' and Ishii's food for lunch facepalmed when she heard the girl cuss.

That Ishii. She shook her head with a smile itching to appear on her face. Always the potty mouth.

The woman closed the bento box.

"No.." The white haired girl was in denial.

The room felt so cold. It was like Ishii was inside a freezer and she was trapped, unable to get out.

She looked at her surroundings. Everything was different. This isn't her room, she knows that for sure.

Her room.. her room isn't like this.

"This can't be right.." She panicked.

"Itchei?" The raven haired woman barged inside her supposed room and looked at the girl with concern written all over her face.

"Itchei you're going to be late." The woman said.

Ishii's eyes nearly fell out of its sockets as she looked at the woman in front of her.

She looked back at her own palms and started hyperventilating. Her heart was beating uncontrollably against her chest, and she feels as though she was going to combust any second now.

"Fucking hell." She paled, feeling all the color in her face drain as realization struck her like lightning.

Then she screamed, making the woman in the room flinch.

"I'M 2D!"

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