6 | Kirishima's New Best Friend

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“But then you caught my eye, giving me the feeling of a lightning strike.”— Bradley Simpson, Somebody to You ( The Vamps )

Chapter Six

AND WITH THAT, the girl lifted her tray and intended to flee the scene.

Keyword being— intended.

Her plan to do so was cut short when a certain spiky ash blonde boy slammed his fist down the table he had oh-so claimed to be his.

The sound reverberated throughout the cafeteria.

Katsuki Bakugo was seething in anger. How dare this girl sit on his table, ignore him, and blatantly insult his pride in front of everybody?

He's a winner.

So whatever game this girl's playing— he's going to win it. And she's going to lose so badly, not even recovery girl could heal her.

His crimson red eyes dilated in sheer anger as he stared into the silvery gray ones of Kayama Ishii. For a moment he saw laughter flash in her orbs but it was quickly replaced with the stoic blank eyes she had before.


Ishii nearly flinched, but she held her ground. Her head slowly turned. Her piercing gray eyes shot daggers through Katsuki Bakugo's crimson red ones.

"Are you deaf?" She tilted her head to the side as if she was talking to a toddler.

"Or are you just dumb?" She fired.

Bakugo's eyes twitched in anger. He was furious. He raised his right hand, explosions already warming up his palm, ready to be detonated like a bomb. "WHY YOU STUPID—"

Before Bakugo could finish his sentence, the girl was all up in his personal space.

Her button nose touched his tall, slightly crooked one. His cheeks flushed a dark shade of red as he took in their close proximity. His heart and mind went haywire.

The girl looked like she was studying him for a moment.

Ishii blinked.

"Has anyone ever told you you look like a pomeranian when you're angry?" She tilted her head innocently, pulling away.

Bakugo paused as he mulled over her words. A.. what?

Before he could fully comprehend what the girl just did, she was gone.

"HEY COME BACK HERE!" Bakugo bellowed.

Explosions were going off in his palm, because when he looked around the cafeteria, the girl was nowhere to be seen.

Kaminari whistled lowly as he watched his ticked off ash blonde best friend blow a fuse.

That girl really is something.


Ishii heaved in a sigh as she stepped out of the cafeteria with her bag slung on one shoulder.

This dream is getting annoying. She shoved her hands in her skirt pockets as she frowned in annoyance.

She didn't get to fully enjoy her meal.

She dropped her lunch tray at the counter a few minutes back when she made her dramatic exit. She stuffed her cheeseburger inside her bag and took out the orange juice box. She was currently taking sips of the juice as she walked.

"Hey you!" A voice interrupted her thoughts.

Thinking that it wasn't her that the voice was calling, she shrugged and continued walking towards her classroom to prepare for the afternoon lessons.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

Walking, just walking.

"Girl with the white hair and pretty gray eyes!"

Ishii halted in her footsteps. Students in the hallway were looking at her so she assumed that the last sentence from the voice that's been shouting was directed towards her.

She spun around, still drinking her orange juice.

A red spiky haired boy was running towards her at full speed.

She blinked.

And that's when she felt the impact.

The boy came barreling down towards her, successfully knocking her off her feet and falling on top of her in the process.

Ishii's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

Her button nose was touching his sharp, pointy one. She could feel his steady breaths hitting her cheeks.

The boy blinked, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment at the close proximity he had with the beautiful girl.

Eyes wide, Ishii's cheeks warmed as she registered what was going on.

Eijiro Kirishima is on top of me.

"Oh damn— I'm so sorry!" Kirishima started apologizing profusely as he stood up, dusting himself off.

The boy offered her a hand.

She looked at the outstretched hand and contemplated taking it.

Ishii blinked repeatedly, momentarily lagging before she finally took Kirishima's warm hands in her own and let him pull her up.

Her orange juice was yeeted to the floor and she just looked at it mournfully.

"I'm really sorry." The boy apologized again, making her look at him.

He scratched the back of his head. "It's just that— you left Lunch Rush so fast that I thought I wouldn't reach you."

Her head tilted to the side. "Is there something I can help you with?"

Kirishima gave her a cheshire-cat grin as he held up a familiar white hardbound journal.

"You left this at the caf. I figured it was important if it had so many locks on it."

He handed the girl the journal she hadn't even thought of opening since the beginning of this dream.

"Oh." She took the journal and then looked up at an expectant Kirishima.

Oh, maybe he's expecting me to thank him.

She immediately gave him a low bow. "Arigato."

When she looked up, the boy was blushing profusely.

"Oh it's alright. It's the manly thing to do." He blushed.

Ishii smiled at this. There's a reason Kirishima was one of her favorite characters in the anime and manga.

At that moment, the girl decided that she'd live this dream as if it was real.

She doesn't know when this will end. Better make the most of it now.

She reached out her vacant hand and gently placed it on Kirishima's left cheek.

The boy looked at her with semi-wide eyes and warm red cheeks.

She leaned in and gave his right cheek a sweet kiss.

It was like everything was in slow motion. The moment felt like it lasted forever.

Kirishima's cheeks turned redder— if that's even possible.

Ishii pulled away and gave him a smile that reached her eyes.

"I'm Ishii Kayama." She introduced herself to the boy.

"You can call me Ishii."

"Or.." She linked her left arm with Kirishima's right arm and pulled him to walk with her to their classroom.

"You can call me yours." She bubbled out a heavenly laugh that made the tips of Kirishima's ears turn red.

Kirishima nearly halted in his steps, heart beating twice as fast as before. Had it not been for the girl pulling him away with her, he might have fainted.


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