8 | Of Nighties and Dinners

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“Not even the Gods above could separate the two of us.”— One Direction, You and I

Chapter Eight

ISHII FLIPPED THE white journal open with a slight sigh of success. After trying to open it with the key for thirty minutes, she finally got it to unlock.

She was genuinely curious as to what was inside this journal— she was pretty sure that this had some juicy information in it.

From what she learned in movies in the real, non-anime world, it's that whenever things like this happen, there's got to be clues.

Sure, she thinks this is still a dream, but 20% of her believes that maybe this isn't. And that her wish did come true.

So as she flipped the middle page of the journal, imagine her horror when she saw her name written down in red ink.

Entry #64

Dear Diary,

It's Ishii again. Mom told me something very important today. It's about my quirk. I couldn't believe what she said and almost tore the entire house down. I feel so betrayed that she never tol

"Hey, is anyone home?" Three knocks resounded on the door, making the girl accidentally shut the book close.

It automatically locked itself, making Ishii groan in annoyance. There goes thirty minutes of her hard work, I guess.

She stood up with a grunt and padded towards the door. She snatched it open and was met with electric yellow eyes.



"..." Ishii just stared at the boy in front of her with a ticked off expression on her face, still pissed that her journal locked itself again.

The boy, however, stared awestruck at the girl who was in her sleepwear. Her pristine white silk nighties hugged her body perfectly, curves and all. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, and glasses were perched up on her nose. The girl looked like she came straight from a shoujo manga, and he was loving it.

"What is it?"

Denki Kaminari blinked, before snapping out of his trance, "Oh, everyone's downstairs for dinner. We were waiting on you."

"Oh." Ishii nodded. "I didn't know what time dinner was."

Kaminari was about to say that it was okay, when the girl suddenly bowed at a 90° angle, bringing one of his fantasies to life— her nighties strap was lightly falling off her shoulder and her front, along with her grey lace bra was peeking out. The most lewd view he could ever see in person— Kaminari was in heaven.

"Gomen." She lightly looked up at him, sterling grey eyes staring into his own dazed ones.

Flustered, Kaminari just waved it off. "I-I's okay, really. We didn't wait too long."

Ishii straightened her back and then nodded, her head still occupied with thoughts regarding her journal earlier.

"Shall we go?" She asked.

The flustered Kaminari could only nod as they walked downstairs. His mind was clouded with the fact that the girl was going to eat dinner with them... in her silk nighties.

"Say, what's your name again?" Ishii thought aloud all of a sudden. She knew his name— but it would be improper and suspicious if she didn't ask.

Kaminari looked at her, a light blush still adorning his cheeks. "Oh, Denki Kaminari."

Ishii nodded, leaning against the elevator wall. "Kaminari-kun."

Kaminari almost fainted at the way his name and the suffix rolled of her lips.

"Can I call you that?" She asked with a light smile.

The pikachu incarnate nodded, still flustered. He was completely smitten. Earlier in the classroom he thought he could get to this girl with his smooth talking and charms, but alas, he was the one caught in her net.

"I'm Ishii Kayama." The girl introduced herself.

"Ishii-chan." Kaminari tested, still flustered.

In the corner of the elevator, he didn't notice the way Ishii's cheeks lightly tinged a shade of pink when he said her name.

"Can I call you that?" His eyes flitted to the white haired beauty who just smiled.


The elevator doors opened, and Ishii kicked herself off the wall as she walked behind Kaminari towards the dining area. The hem of her nighties flowed with every swish as she walked.

She halted in her steps before she got to the doorway of the dining room, but Kaminari already went inside the noisy dine-in, just noticing that the girl wasn't behind him.

With furrowed brows, he was about to call after the girl when she already appeared beside him.

And like what she did earlier with Kaminari, she did in front of everyone.

The girl bowed at a 90° angle, making everyone in the room halt in their movements and stop their conversations.

Katsuki Bakugo dropped his fork, cheeks red.

"Gomenasai." She apologized.

Eijiro Kirishima stared with wide eyes, his cheeks redder than his hair.

"I didn't mean to make you wait." She said, looking up at all of them lightly.

And like earlier, she accidentally flashed everyone a peek of her everything.

Shoto Todoroki choked on his water, now flustered with just one glance at the girl.

Hanta Sero accidentally shot tape out of his dispensers, his cheeks reddening— good thing no one noticed.

"I-it's alright." Tenya Iida finally regained his composure. "It was my bad for not telling you what time dinner was, you're new and it's my duty ass class repr—"

"It's daijobu—" Ishii was cut off by Iida.

"It is not okay, it is my duty as class repr—"

"Oh come on, Iida. She said it's fine." Ochaco Uraraka hit Iida's back as she snapped out of her flustered state, along with everyone else.

She looked at Ishii with bright eyed and a welcoming smile. "Take a seat. Momo and I cooked dinner so it's good."

Ishii gave her a kind smile in return, "Hai."

She looked around and saw that there were five empty spaces between the bench seats. One was beside Bakugo, another beside Kirishima, one beside Todoroki, one in front of Sero, and the last one was the closest— beside Kaminari.

There was slight tension in the room as she glanced around, deciding where to sit. Unknown to her, Bakugo was having a short glare-off with Todoroki, not even knowing why, while Kirishima, and Kaminari were looking at each other wearily.

After an entire minute of suspense..

The girl sat down beside Denki Kaminari, who seemed very smug.

The other boys shot him devious glares.

And so the reverse harem begins.


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