˜Chapter 2- A help from a Mouse˜

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Izuku woke up early, he was used to waking up at this time because of his daily tests but today he looked around and couldn't find any of his friends.

"Where are they?" He asked himself confused until it hit him

"Oh right, I forgot.." He left his bed and opened his little backpack grabbing an apple and two pills that he swallowed without issues. Looking around for a moment, he carefully he walked into the streets.

Looking at the sky, indicated that it was probably way to early in the morning, something that explained why there wasn't many people at the streets in the moment. He walked for a really long time until the sun started to shine and the civilians started to wake up. He sat on the sidewalk waiting for people to get out of their houses instead of wasting his energies, he knew it would be hard for him to walk as he was still hurt.

It was only a few minutes later when I saw a tall black haired man holding a sleeping bag come out of the house in from of the sidewalk I was sitting on. He was walking silently by a loud blond man and a purple haired teen right behind him. At that moment, the boy realised that this could be his only chance to get help.

He ran as fast as he could, trying to get the attention of the adults, however, his boy was aching from the pain. He was someone with a smart and quick brain, an extremely precise control of his quirk and experiences with the darker parts of society that only a couple unlucky humans could match up to, however, that did not mean that his physical abilities were great, in reality, he was quite clumsy when doing anything related to running.

As the boy got closer, the dark haired man quickly noticed his presence, he looked tired yet worried about the little kid out of his house at the early hours of the morning, specially since he was walking with a light limp. He crouched, trying to look less intimidating, after all, the last thing the man wanted was the possibility of a homeless child looking for help to run of because he got too scared.

"What are you doing here kid?" He said it in a monotone voice, a little harsh, but not enough to scare someone.

"Shota! Are you coming?" The blonde man said already inside the car. He hadn't noticed the little kid approaching yet, so he was rather confused about his partner's actions.

"Come on dad! I don't want to be late!" Said the purple teen from the inside of the car.

"I think I'll need a minute. Just wait a little bit, I'll make sure we won't be late" He answer in an annoyed yet fond tone.

"So uhm, what are you doing here kid?" He said, turning to the boy that had been slowly coming closer and now stood right in front of the man.

"I need to talk to principal Nedzu from UA, it's really important and I need his help" the tiny boy said calmly, stating things as if they were unchangeable facts, no matter how insane he sounded.

"Kid... look, you shouldn't play with things like this, he doesn't have time, he is a really busy man. Do you need any help? I'm sure the police would be able to assist you with anything, I can take you to the station if you want" The hero said slowly, as if the kid wouldn't understand, yet he did not expect the frantic response he got.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! He is the only one, I-i didn't come all the way here for nothing! I need to help them sir! You don't know anything! They promised he could help! I swear, you just need to tell him I'm from the same place he did! I swear! Please, plea-" The older male cut him, raising his hand up as if to signal to the boy to take a breath and calm down.

"Look, you need to calm down, you are going to drive yourself into a panic attack if you continue this way. We will make a deal alright? I'll take you to Nedzu and you will try to breath, if the man can truly help you, I'll leave him with you, but if anything happens that indicates he doesn't knows what you are talking about, I'll take you to the police station to find your guardians ok?"

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