Chapter 10

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You weren't going to let this little freak win. 

He had you straddled, half strangled and your vision was waning, but you were not about to let him win. However, you had no aura to protect you, and there was only one bullet left in the chamber which you always reserved for yourself if times truly became dire. You only had one thing to rely on right now, and you hated that you had to use it.

You reached up your hands and grab Tyrian's wrists, sweeping your fingers across his own as you look up at him, "Tyrian.. Tyrian, please.." Your voice lowers to a whisper, and you notice the change in his expression instantly. To anyone else it would have been nothing, but after knowing Tyrian for so many years you could spot the smallest details, "... Please...." You whisper again, forcing tears to well in your eyes, "Ty, you.. You need to let me go.. I-I'll lose my vision.." You stare up at him, one of your hands slowly reaching up to cup his cheek, tears rolling down your face when you finally have to blink. 

His grip loosens on your throat for a mere second, and that was all it took for you to grab his throat and let a sudden blast of your semblance emit from your hand, sending the serial killer flying backwards into the wall of the school. You hear him wheeze as you staggered to your feet, ready to block Tyrian, though you see him still laying against that wall. You begin to speak before you frown and look away from him and down at your gun, though your attention moves towards where the end of Tyrian's tail was, the missing limb still weakly writhing on the ground. Fear pangs through you as you think about the possibility of Tyrian getting the limb re-attached, and you glance back up at the man who had slowly gotten up, now staring at you wish those angry purple eyes.

"... Nothing personal." You mutter, and for the first time in your life you use the last bullet in the chamber, aiming it at the stinger and firing as you hear footsteps rapidly approaching you, Tyrian screaming at you not to do it. The blast throws you backwards and you land in a crouch, and you know this is your chance to escape, though that thought was taken away as soon as something grabbed your wrist and pulled you backwards. 

Tyrian still wanted to play.

You could barely see through the smoke that remained from the bullets you had fired, your only warning being those glowing purple eyes coming at you, giving you a mere second to duck beneath the psychopath and take a few steps away from him, raising your fists in a defensive position. "Stop this!" You yell to him, unable to see him through the smoke and ash, "What? Do you like pain?!" You sneered, whipping your head around when you swore you could hear him behind you, your eyes scanning for something, anything that could give away his position. "Some sort of fucking masochist?!" You yell out before feeling arms wrap around your waist and throw you down to the floor, and before you can even roll onto your back, you feel him quickly straddle you, fingers pressing into your flesh.

"R-Remember when..." He started, burying his nails into your skin and dragging them down slightly before stopping, "When we first did this...? F-Fight? You.. You loved it! We didn't stop for hours." His voice deepened to a growl and you narrowed your eyes, trying to move your arm so you could activate your shield to hopefully push yourself up but Tyrian quickly pinned it to your side. ".. You were covered in blood by the end of it.... S-So pretty.." He trailed off, and this time you felt his nails dragging down and around towards your throat, where they promptly dug in and made you cry out in pain. The sound seemed to delight him and he laughed happily, doing it again, and again, "Yes! That sound! That's the sound I want my act to make."

Act. He keeps calling you that- You have no idea why. 

"You've been lying to your friends." You eventually hear him whisper, his breath tickling the back of your neck and you shudder beneath him, still trying to figure a way out of the position you were both in. "H-How.. How you left Ironwood!" He giggled, a hand finding its way to your hair and harshly tugging it, your head raising from the ground, "I-I was much.. Much more fun than him, wasn't I?!" He asked, releasing your hair and letting your head drop again, your vision becoming more and more blurry as time went on, "That old fool couldn't give you h-half of what I did!"

"You're fucking delusional.." You eventually groan, trying to ignore the pain in your eyes, "You.. You're psychotic Tyrian. We didn't h-" You get cut off when you feel a stinging pain, and you let out a scream of agony as Tyrian laughs wildly, clutching the end of his tail tightly and squeezing so drops of that acidic blood dripped out and straight onto your skin, and you could hear the hiss of the acid as it burned your flesh away.

"We didn't have what?" He asked, his voice the softest you had ever heard it, and you feel his fingers press into the fresh burns on your back. The pain is enough to make your head spin, and you feel yourself begin to slip into unconsciousness before Tyrian's nails dig into the back of your neck again and bring you back to reality, "Answer me!"

"You.. Y...." You slur your words, eyes closing for a few seconds, "You didn't care.. for me..."

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