Chapter 4

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"You know this guy?" Asked Qrow, narrowing his eyes at you while he wrapped an arm around his niece, protecting her just in case Tyrian attempted to make a move and attack her again. Though you knew that wouldn't happen, the Scorpion having set his eyes on you- Something you found chilling despite how many times you had went through this exact scenario- Both in real life and in your mind.

Before you could even get a word out, you heard Tyrian laugh again, already crouched and ready to pounce on you, "She's mine!" He yelled before leaping at you, barely even giving you the chance to raise your shield and block him. The force sent him flying backwards and you quickly followed, not wanting to give him the chance to possibly escape you, not again. Even Qrow didn't seem to know about your past with the faunus in front of you, hell, you didn't even think Ironwood knew, which was saying something.

You slam your shield down when Tyrian lands back on the ground, but the force didn't seem to affect him, and instead it hindered you for when he next attacked. You were barely even able to unclip your grappling hook from your side and shoot it when Tyrian gained on you, his kick only just missing you thanks to your grappling hook pulling you out of the way. You meet his next attack with full force, both hands shoving him backwards and straight through one of the large concrete walls surrounding the town.

You followed after him despite the yells from Qrow and the kids, all of them trying to stop you from progressing on your mission. You knew that you should listen to them, but as of right now, you had to fulfil this task, no matter at what cost. Tyrian had been the reason you had to stop fighting in the first place, then Ironwood was the reason you left the army- Two men you despised and you finally had the chance to kill one of them? You weren't going to let that opportunity slip through your fingers.

You felt the air change behind you, reacting just the tiniest bit too late and feeling one arm wrap around your throat, the other restraining your arms as Tyrian turned back to the hole while you were held hostage, Qrow narrowing his eyes. You knew what was going to happen, so you stayed quiet for now, beginning to plan your escape route. You felt Tyrian's breath at your ear when he spoke up, making you shudder, "Mm.. Mmmhm.. If you let me leave... Then I'll let her go." He giggled, holding you a bit tighter.

Qrow frowned when he heard Tyrian's request and looked at you, whispering something to Ruby before putting his attention back on Tyrian, placing a hand on his hip. "How do we know you won't sting her?" He asked, and you became very aware of Tyrian's tail hanging close to where your stomach was, the end of it practically dripping with acid that singed the ground beneath the two of you.

Tyrian laughed again at what Qrow had asked, the sound of it sending chills down your spine- And you were sure Tyrian could feel it since he squeezed your arms lightly, nails digging into your skin, "Because-" He cut himself off with another round of giggles, and you could see those wild purple eyes out of your peripheral vision, "My act is dead without her."

You froze at what he said, utterly confused as you looked over at Qrow. You then closed your eyes and let out an annoyed sigh before raising your leg to stamp down on Tyrian's foot as hard as you could, channelling some of your semblance to help up the damage it would do on him. Your sudden act of violence worked, the faunus letting go of you and moving backwards as he yelled in the pain, the bones in his foot surely broken from what you had done. You regarded him for a few more moments, watching him as he locked eyes with you before limping off into the forest surrounding the town.

"Should we go after him?" Asked Ren, looking between you and Qrow for guidance as Ruby put her scroll away, nodding to Qrow. You sighed when you heard when Ren asked and shook your head, checking yourself over for wounds. You knew going after Tyrian would be a waste of time, but it was also your fight- Not theirs. If anyone was going to put an end to Tyrian, it would be you, and you didn't want anyone else interfering with your job.

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