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Alright! Before we get into the story, let's build up this character.

In this story, you carry a shield to protect others. You're meant to block, not attack. Despite this you do have a weapon though, but it is nothing much. It is simply a pistol to be used if you have no one to aid you.

Since you are on your own now, you rarely use the shield and instead tend to avoid fights. You'd rather not let your name be known.

You also have a way of movement- a grappling hook of sorts then can be used to, well, grab onto things. But it also acts somewhat how Blake's does, mainly so it can be more useful throughout the story

As for your semblance? It takes a while to charge it up to full, but once ready you can slam your shield down and create a circular upkick around you, throwing enemies into the air to make them quick targets.

You are ex military, and a rather hardened and grumpy soldier. You spend your days in quiet solitude, training in the woods. You had vowed never to fight again, but when the world calls upon you, you must answer.

Few know who you are, but things are going to change drastically.

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