Chapter 2

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It had barely even been a few hours before you had began to feel uncomfortable, as if hundreds of thousands of eyes were looking at you all at once, but you knew it couldn't deter you. You had made your choice to leave, and you had already went too far to turn back, so pressing on was your only option. 

It was only after another hour or so into your trek when you heard footsteps, and it sent chills down your spine. It wasn't the normal feeling of worry, as if you were being stalked by a grimm- No.. This was a human, something much, much more dangerous than a simple creature.

You stop in place, the small circular plate on your arm beginning to glow, but not yet activating. You had no need to get defensive when you didn't even know what you were trying to defend yourself from. It wasn't until you heard the laugh and the sudden gust of wind before you knew what you were dealing with.

You activate your shield just in time, and the two boots slam against it with a crunch. You slide back only a few centimetres before pushing on your shield, forcing your assailant to flip backwards off of it and land in a crouch in front of you.

You frown at the attacker, recognising the face from the news. It was just some random guy that would mug travellers every now and then, but you were going to make sure today would be his last crime. Before the man could react, you had charged forwards and slammed your shield into his face with unnatural strength, sending the man backwards into a tree.

You didn't have time to bother with something like this, so you decided to simply beat down his aura and leave a bullet in his leg. It was just some bandit wannabe, and he definitely wouldn't be going anywhere thanks to that pretty little hunk of metal lodged directly into his kneecap.

As soon as you were sure this guy wouldn't be able to walk correctly for the rest of his life, you scoffed and stepped away from him, continuing back on your path as you tucked your pistol back into your belt and your shield went back into travel mode.

In reality, you would get in trouble for this, but no one knew it was you so you didn't care. By the time they'd find that bandit you'd already be gone and they wouldn't be able to catch you, even if you did you'd have the James Ironwood on your side. Even if you never wanted to see the bastard again, he could bail you out if you became desperate.

You'd do your best to avoid being arrested though, just so you could avoid James. If you were to be extreme, you'd say you'd rather die than speak to him again, but for now you were deciding to see how the dice would roll.

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