Chapter 7

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The Nuckelavee proved to be a small problem for the kids, which shocked you since both you and Qrow decided to keep out of the fight unless the situation was dire. Proof of their skills had instilled some hope in you, hope which you still carried as you and the others found where you would be resting in Haven.

So, here you were, babysitting a bunch of kids since Qrow had went a left you, and now that Qrow was out of the picture, the questions yet again began, only this time you knew you'd have to deal with it. You were in this now, a few questions weren't going to make you leave. You expected the same old questions you always got, so you were prepared to answer them until.. What was his name? Ren? Caught you off guard.

"How did you know Tyrian?" He questioned, raising the cup of tea in his hands to his lips as he waited for your answer, the other three looking in your direction. They all had the same look in their eyes and you were sure that they had planned to ask you this, and you supposed you should answer them, as you believed you'd be travelling with them for a while, and from experience you knew keeping secrets was bad.

"... Tyrian Callows.." You repeat, looking down at the ground and sighing, "... I..." You frown as you try to think of the right words to say, "You're going to think badly of me for this, I do apologise." You eventually whisper, the kids looking at each other before back at you, insisting that they wouldn't, "I... I used to work for Salem. I was a double agent; Working for her and James." You eventually confess.

The reaction was just as you expected; Wide eyes, weapons drawn, mania. You don't make a move, however, instead just watching them all calmly and holding up your hands, "I ain't gonna hurt you, if I wanted to then I wouldn't have stopped Tyrian." You grumble, deciding to just continue your story, "... I helped crash the airship that let Tyrian escape, continued to work for Salem for a short while, and then I... I left. I went to Atlas, spoke to James, and.. Life continued. Things were good for a while, but then Tyrian arrived; Sent to kill me for my betrayal."

You pull down the collar of your shirt, the fabric moving to reveal a nasty scar running from your collarbone to your heart, the scar still looking as fresh as it did the day it appeared, "He got me real good, but.. I didn't die. Instead I suffer for, what, six months as I recovered?" You lean back in your chair as the kids put their weapons away, and Ruby opened her mouth to ask a question, however it was cut off by Qrow slamming open the door, exclaiming something about finding "him."

You all eye the small boy, and before you know it, his eyes lock onto you and that alone sends shivers through your body, standing from your chair. "My name is Oscar Pine.. But you all probably know me as Professor Ozpin?"


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