Chapter 9

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As much as you hate to admit it, you and Tyrian were equally matched. Years of fighting together and training with one another meant you both knew each other well; Every moment, every plan.. Everything. You blocked all his attacks, he blocked all of yours, the two of you stuck in a violent equilibrium, and you could tell that you were both growing tired. Sure, you were both trained huntsmen, but your auras could only take so much, and you could see your own beginning to crackle weakly across your skin. It was a sight you absolutely despised, since it reminded you of the fight that ruined your entire life. That wasn't going to happen again.

You flip backwards on your hands away from Tyrian, landing in a crouch and panting, your age beginning to catch up with you. It had been years since you had fought like this, so you weren't surprised it was taking such a toll on your body, however you could only hope that Tyrian was doing worse than you, however much you doubted it. Despite this, you decided to make a move; Practically a suicide attempt as you ran towards Tyrian, bracing your shield with your arm before you slammed into him, sending him backwards as his aura shattered, your own doing the same thanks to the impact.

Seizing your opportunity, you slam your foot into the ground and take out your gun, watching as Tyrian got thrown into the air. Two bullets left. You immediately aim for his tail and fire, grinning sadistically when you watch it separate, however your grin soon disappeared when the poison hit you; Searing, boiling pain shooting through you as you screamed in agony and staggered away from him. You couldn't tell if you were crying or it was blood, gasping in pain as you fell to your knees, raising your hands to your face and sobbing as you attempted to do something- Anything to stop the pain. You could hear Tyrian screaming behind you, calling you every insult he could think of, but you were too busy focusing on the blood in your eyes.

The blow to your side barely even brings you back to the situation at hand, and you roughly land on your back, blindly staring up into the face of Tyrian, who had straddled you to the ground. You couldn't see it, but there were tears in his eyes from the pain, his hands wrapping around your throat as if to strangle you, however you felt no pressure. You raise your hands to your eyes in order to wipe the blood away, and to your surprise, Tyrian doesn't stop you. It takes you a short while to be able to see again, and your eyes instantly lock with Tyrian's as you lay there, unable to get up thanks to the fact he was sitting on you.

"... Why aren't you killing me?" You eventually whisper, the silence deafening as you stare up at Tyrian, only the sounds of crickets and acidic blood dripping to the floor breaking the silence. You watch as those mad eyes stare at you, the angry purple slowly fading back into what you could only describe as a warm yellow, Tyrian's hands trembling as he held your throat, his grip tightening for a second before going back to how it was. You remembered this man to be a ruthless killer, yet here he was hesitating to kill the person that had cut off his tail.

"... The Queen wants you alive." He eventually answered, his eyebrows furrowing with anger for a second, his grip yet again tightening, however it lingered a bit longer this time. You close your eyes as if ready to accept it, and this makes Tyrian stop, pained and confused laughter bubbling up in his throat as he stared at you. "Y-You... You want death! W-W-We can't.." He giggled, shaking his head, "We can't have that... No! You are my act!" He hissed, "The Queen needs you." 

"What do I care for the logic of queens?" You retort, flinching slightly when he got close to your face, and you only took in another breath when he moved away from you. You didn't understand what his act was, or what he wanted with you, you just wanted him to let go of you. Your eyes were still burning from the pain of the acidic blood, and you were aware you'd have to get medical help soon or otherwise risk losing your sight; Something you were not going to let happen. "What's your plan, Tyrian? We can't stay here forever..." You trail off, trying to think of what you could do, "Why not go run back to your goddess? I'm sure she'll love the sight of that tail." You sneer, however your voice catches when he tightens his grip again.

"We.." He giggled, "A-Are.. Are going to watch your friends die!"

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