What Happened

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It's already 8:30 I should go get ready. So I hoped in the shower. I got out and dried off. Then I put on my short black skirt, black tank top, and black flats.

" I hope the others will like me," I said to myself. I checked the time and it was already 8:45 so I grabbed my purse and went out the door. When I get out of my apartment I decided to see who was beside me. Who was it? It was Kakashi.

" Hey. I didn't know we were neighbors, " he said

"Me either," I replied.

"Let's go meet the others there," he said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

" We're going to the bar right down the road," he said

Now I'm in trouble. I thought to myself. I definitely can't handle my alcohol. The only thing I don't do when I'm drunk is ice powers. I'll try to control it for tonight.

"Ready to head out to the bar?" he asked.

"Yes," I answered back.

"Alright let's go then," he said.

When we arrived at the bar he took me over to the other people he was talking about.

"Who's this," one of them said.

Kakashi answered back," This is an old friend of mine that just moved back to the leaf village."

" What's your name," a female ninja asks me.

" I'm Yoki Gentoki. I had to leave the leaf village 10 years ago for a mission that has just recently been finished," I replied back.

" I remember you," one of them said, " Your that girl with the powers."

" Yes..... I am," I said looking down.

" Well," he said. That's fine in our book, right guys?"

"Yeah, the other 3 said, including Kakashi. After that all happened I took a seat at the bar with them. The bartender asked me what it wanted so I asked for the strongest sake there is. Kakashi and the others got the same.

It's 10:00 and I'm already extremely drunk. Kakashi is too. Right now he's sitting on the ground talking to a bug. I took another shot. That's when a guy came over.

" Hi, babe. Can I get your number?" he said

" No," I said.

He replied back with," Then I'm going to have to take it from you."

He pushed me off the bar stool, pinned my arms down with one hand, and then he reached into my pockets trying to find my phone. I closed my eyes thinking the words help me. That's when I felt a huge weight lifted off of me. I get up and see that Kakashi kicked the guy off me.

"Thanks, Kakashi," I said

" Your welcome," he replied,"It's getting late we should go home."

" I would but I'm so drunk I can't walk," I said with a giggle at the end.

" Then I'll carry you," he said and that he did.

He was carrying me to my house when I noticed something. Kakashi has strong abs. He's also really hot.

" Hey, Kakashi," I said.

" Yeah," he answered back.

" Your extremely hot," I said.

That's when he lent down and kissed me. It was so dreamy. It was soft at first but then it got rougher. His lips tore through mine. All I could feel was heat. He then stopped kissing me and ran really fast back to his place. We went to his room. The rest of the night is a secret.


I will continue with my updates and comment on the story.


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