Chapter 11

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Calum POV

Today we dont have filming but we have to do a photoshoot and a bunch of interviews. I only know that the first one I have is with the complete cast. I saw Raini and Laura already standing there and laughing. As always. WE decided to all wear beach clother today since its a summer movie and we are all in Italy. 

Raini was wearing a black shirt with purple stripes and some shorts . Laura was dressed in a green tank top and colorful shorts. Both looked great as always. Ross and me were both wearing a darkblue shirt and shorts.

"How excited are you to film an Austin and Ally movie?" 

Laura: " I am litteraly so excited!!!!" Raini: "Me too. When we first heard that we were so happy." 

" How is filming in Italy?" 

Calum:" It s warm."  Raini: "Really wam and really cool" Laura: " I am so happy to film it here in Italy. I love Italy and its so great to be here with my best friends. We have so much fun, no matter if we are filming or not" Ross: "Yeah Italy is cool"

 "Ross , you did another movie on the beach , in Puerto Rico. Teen beach movie (2) .

"It was great too. I learnt how to surf and I got to work with an amzaning cast. Maia is so fun to work with" 

As Ross said that I could see the jealousy in Laura eyes. She tried to hide it by looking down but it was still noticable. 

"So you guys are spending a whole lot of time together here. Have you learnt something new about each other ?"

Calum: "Not really. We knew everything about each other before" Raini: " Yeah we have filmed so many years now and we are so close , best friends, I dont think there is anything new for us to leanr about each other."

"Can you tell us a fact about each one we may didnt know yet?"

Laura: " Calums obesses with coffee!" Calum: "And laura still lives in the last century. Flip phones" Laura : "They are really cool!" She started talking again about how great flip phones are. WE heard that million times. Ross always loves to watch her getting all fasczinated and excited about her stupid phone.He is smiling again at the excitment and passion she is defending here phone with. I know he thinks that Laura is very cute. 

He has been staring at her all day even if he tried to hide that. But I saw him staring at her long tanned legs , her small waist and her pretty hair. He also took some lances at her butt and her boobs.... Just saying he sure has a crush.

"So you are really close cast and best friends. But is there also any romantic going on" 

"You mean beside me and Ross?" I joked and everyone laughed. "I am so shipping Coss Whynch" Raini said. Laura just kept quite and looked down. Is she....jealous just because I made this joke?. She sure has a crush too!

" I actually meant of Raura happened yet"
As always Laura and Ross slightly blushed. laura aways tries her best to avoid the question. " Austin and Ally are perfect for each other. " "Thats not the answer for the question" I interrupted her. "Me and Ross are just freinds" She said quietly. "Yeah we were taught to never date a costar so yeah. But who knows what happenes when the show is over." Ross said and leaned closer to Laura placing his arm around her shoulder and smiling down at her. 

"Thanks for the interview . Make sure to tune in for Austin and Ally this Sunday 8pm on Disney Channel"

YAY first interview for today is done!


I hope you liked it. Thanks for all your votes and comments so far. I really appreciates that and I hope you keep giving me feedback.

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