Chapter 1

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Ross POV

" I am sorry Trish. I shouldn't have dump our Team Austin meeting to be with Ally. I hope you can forgive me and will stay my manager."

" I am sorry too . " Laura said as Ally and hugged Raini.

"Its okay everyone makes mistakes" Trish said and then we did a group hug.


"good job thats a wrap. Meeting in 5 in my office" The director said and we all wondered what that was about.

"Hey good job" I said to Laura who was walking beside me.I hugged the petite girl short and smiled. "You were great to" She trailed off.

" I have great.great news" Heath said when we all took a seat in his office. " Filming season 4 is going very well and the fans really want to get it . They tweeted over 1k tweets about a Austin and Ally movie"

"And?" laura asked. "And we get it!!" "OMG really?" I exclaimed and hugged first Raini and then Laura before me and Calum did our handshake.

A movie that so great!

"As you know we only have 2 more episode to film from season 4 and soon we will start the movie." "In exactly one month we will fly to Italy" "Italy?" We all asked a the same time. "I didn't mention? Like the fans want we'll film it in Italy" "OMG This is great" Laura squaled and did a little weird happy dance.

Laura is half Italian so she is probaly even more excited than I am . Shes cute when she is excited.

"I also have other news.Of course a few already apperead costars will join from time to time but also new ones. And special ones. " "Special?" Raini asked. "R5 will be there some weeks. Not the complete time but a bit. And Vanessa got a big role in this movie too"

"Vanessa as my sister?" Laura asked excited. "Yep . " Heath said and with that we had to leave cuz he needs to go to a meeting.

" I can't believe we really have this movie" Raini said sitting down. We all , the main cast and also some of the other stars.

"Its great" I said and Calum nodded.

" I can't believe we film in Italy" Laura said and finally sat down after she grabbed her signature food , go-gurt.

" I can't believe R5 will join too" "And my sister " Laura said.

"Hi laura" I hear someone yell. it was her sister Vanessa. "Hi guys" she said and we all hugged her. Of course we all know her. "Did you hear about the movie?" Laura asked and vanessa nodded. "Yeah a few minutes ago" The two girls were holding each other hands while jumping up and down excited.

"This will be great" We all said at them same time.


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Sorry if the first chapter was a little boring....but it will be better

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