Chapter 4

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Sorry its always taking some days ;/

Ross POV

We got our scripts and started reading thoug it. Tomorrow we will start working but we should at least have written it once by then. It sounds really , really cool. First scenes will be ffilmed on our normal set . In those Austin attemps a lotterie even though Ally always tells him how low the chances are. And Austin actually wins! They win a trip for four persons . Austin tries to persudae his parents that he can teke his friends and he actually can. So the four friends make their way to Italy.

They have a nice vacation there and meet a lot of new people. R5 is going to be in it as well as Vanessa as a cousin from Ally. And yeah the script is really fun.

In it are also a lot of new funny song we will performe. And Auslly moments. The fans always love episodes with lots of Auslly and so there will be. That means me and Laura <3 will get to film some moments , some hugs and maybe even a kiss. I am not there yet.

To be honest I like the auslly moments. Sometimes it doesnt even feel like acting...and its never akward not matter what we do. Me and Laura even had some little kisses and it was all good. Not akward at least not for me.

Calum POV

Lots of Auslly going on in this script. I totally ship Auslly. And I also ship Raura but I sometimes to be honest wish that Dez and Trish had those romantic moments.

Nothing against Carrie I really like her charakter but wouldnt be Trish and dez even better ? Okay theres something else. I kinda would enjoy filming all those stuff with raini........

Okay I said way enough. Just cross it out. Where was I? Oh yeah , Ross and laura are totally meant to be , they are perfect for each other. And while Auslly already admitted that and also tried dating , the broke up and then came back together at the end of season 3 , Raura neither admitted it or even dated....


Its pretty short , sorry. And due to some exams that week it will probaly take some time to update (probaly weekend)

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And thank you for some votes and quite some reads already

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