Chapter 2: Hospital?

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" Kili you take first watch." Thorin growled as he bedded himself down for the night. Kili nodded and walked around the fire to sit himself next to the young woman they had saved from the pack of orcs.

" I don't understand why a pack of orcs would chase her?" Bofur said looking down at the brown haired girl.

" They care not if it is a woman or a child. They slaughter everything that come in the path." Kili grumbled in disgust at the thought of the orcs hurting her. For some strange and unknowing reason, Kili felt protective of her. He also felt a need to want to hold her in his arms and keep her out of ranged of any thing or person that would wish her ill. Even just sitting next to her gave him a light and happy feeling which he could not explain.

" Well you are right there. She was lucky we were passing when we were." Bofur said as he placed his hand onto his makeshift bed.

" Yeah, she was." Kili muttered to himself as he carefully began to change the bandage on her head that was now soaked with red.

" Well good night." Bofur said as he drifted off into a calm sleep. Kili carefully placed a new bandage onto her wound and patted it down gently. He then threw the bloody one into the fire to dispose of. His eyes watched the flames dancing as they then trailed back to her sleeping form next to him.

The night fell in and soon the stars and moon where high in the sky, sparkling softly over the companies sleeping forms. Kili was still on guard as he watched the fire dancing with its warmth and light. His eyes diverted from the flames when he heard the woman next to him stir. Her eyes snapped opened with hast and she throw herself up into a sitting position. Kili reached over and placed a hand on her back to stop her from falling backwards. His other hand went onto the shoulder closest to him

" It's okay, it okay now. Your safe, nothing can harm you." He told her comfortingly.

" Lay back down. Your still not well enough to be sitting." He muttered as he carefully helped her down again.

" Now my name is Kili and you can trust me." He whispered to her. Normally Amanda was not one for instantaneous trust in a person. But for some reason, she instantly trusted this man before her. His long back hair all roughed up and windswept and had very little of a beard upon his face. But that's not what caught her eyes. No, it was his eyes as they looked down at her with care and something else. They were the deepest of brown she had ever seen, almost black. She blushed as soon as she realised she was staring and looked to the sky. The stars danced and twinkled in the night sky almost as though the were diamonds on a black sheet of velvet. The moon being the crown jewel as it stood with pride shining its stolen rays of light down onto the world. Kili saw the sparkle in her eyes.

" Where am I?" Amanda asked Kili as she looked at the star lit sky. She did not recognise any of the clusters.

" Middle earth?" Kili said with a confused look upon his face.

" Middle earth." Amanda muttered, there was a brief moment of silence before what had just been said actually hit home.

" Middle earth?!" Amanda cried as she sat up quickly again, but fell to the ground with a dizzy head. She groaned and hissed clutching her head in pain.

" You head will not get better if you keep doing that." Kili said placing a hand on her shoulder making her look to him.

" I need to get to a hospital." Amanda spoke to Kili, who bore a face of complete confusion.

" What's a hospital?" He asked her with a fused brow. Amanda looked to him with a are-you-freaking-serious look. Before sighed and looking back to the stars.

" I guess I really am in Middle Earth. The stars are different, you don't know what a hospital is and your name is Ki...l...i." Amanda slowed down when she spoke his name as everything became clear.

" Y-your Kili? As in Kili Durin?" Amanda asked looking to him.

" Yes, I am." He said with a proud smile. Amanda slowly sat up and looked around her and saw the one and only, Thorin Oakenshield laying down on the ground not meters away from her. Her mouth fell open as her eyes fell upon the familiar faces from the hobbit. All thirteen dwarves, Gandalf the grey and of course. Bilbo Baggins.

" Your all on a quest are you not?" Amanda said looking around and then to Kili.

" A quest to slay Smaug and reclaim the mountain. Your home?" Amanda said looking to him.

" Y-yes? How did you know, we have told no one but our kinsmen." Kili asked, Amanda thought for a few moments about her answer but thought she best not tell him about how this all was just a book and a movie in her world. She would talk to Gandalf before she said anything.

" I-I..." She struggled with an excuse.

" She was asked to come here by me. Though she was a few days late in finding us." Gandalf spoke as he sat down next to Kili and looked at Amanda.

" I asked her if she would help us with our quest." Gandalf spoke with a nod, his staff in hand with no hat on. Amanda smiled in thanks for his cover up for her.

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