Chapter 3: Meddling Wizard!

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" Ah, Amanda. My dear, may I speak with you please. Alone." Gandalf said looking to Kili who had been helping her walk around, trying to regain her balance. Kili looked to Amanda with a slightly worried look before Amanda smiled to him.

" I will be fine." She smiled and Kili nodded releasing her. Amanda took a deep breath in and began to walked steadily on her own.

" Wonderful now." Gandalf began when they got to a small clearing not to far away from camp but far enough the others would not hear.

" Gandalf what am I doing here?" Amanda growled to him, knowing the wizard had to have something to do with all this.

" You do not remember do you?" Gandalf asked her leaning against his staff and looking down at her.

" I remember nothing and how am I so small compared to you?!" Amanda freaked out as she realised she was only about half his height, maybe a bit taller.

" That, my dear. Is because you are dwarf size yet you are no dwarves. In fact you are not form the race of elves or men, nor are you hobbit. In fact I don't quite know what you are, just that you have long life and impeccable senses." Gandalf explained to her.

" I sound like a miniature elf!" Amanda cried throwing her hands into the air wildly.

" But you are not! You have a gift. One that only you can find by yourself. And let's hope that that be soon, as we will need it to save the Durin's." Gandalf said looking down at her.

" You know what happens to the three?" Amanda asked amazed.

" Yes, I read the books in your world about this quest. That is why I sent you that letter asking for your help." Gandalf said with a nodded. Amanda then remembered the letter she had received, but she passed it as a prank. But you would too if it had been signed by Gandalf.

" If you know them why are you sending them on this quest." Amanda yelled not understanding why he would send them to their deaths knowingly.

"Because this quest is necessary! I would not do it if I had another choice!" Gandalf said angry at what she was accusing him of.

" Some how, I highly doubt that. You are a meddling wizard!" Amanda yelled at him as he huffed loudly.

"I do this because if we do not reclaim the mountain." Gandalf began.

" Smaug may choose the wrong side." Amanda finished for him with an unamused tone.

" I think it would be for the best if we keep your knowledge of the upcoming events to stay between us." Gandalf said as Amanda huffed loudly crossing her arms over her chest.

" Fine, but I will do whatever it take to stop them from dieing! Thorin must sit on the throne of Erebor!" Amanda growled to him. Gandalf only nodded at her statement.

" Now for the matter of Thorin. He will not easily accept me into the company after all, I am a woman!" Amanda cried to him and Gandalf just smiled with a nodded.

" Yes, and one with a extremely rare gift. You may not know it, but you can fight." Gandalf said as you just huffed and walked back to the camp.

" Fine, but you deal with Thorin!" Amanda yelled to him as she disappeared from his view. Gandalf sighed and followed her.

" This should be fun." He said with sarcasm coating every word. Dreading the dwarf's stubbornness he will most likely face. Amanda walked out with an annoyed look across her face. Kili rushed over to her and walked next to her.

"Amanda? Are you alright? We heard you yelling." Kili aske concerned for her. Amanda shook her head and looked to him, her annoyed look was no longer there but a soft smile.

" Nothing, don't worry about it." She simple smiled and left Kili behind. She decided she needed a few minutes alone, away from everything that has happened. Thorin walked over to Kili and lowered his mouth to his ear.

"Follow her, do not let her out of your sight." Thorin growled and patted his shoulder. Kili nodded and went after her hiding in the shadows so that she could not see him. Amanda walked through the forest looking around at the trees that surrounded her.

" Why is this happening to me?" Amanda whispered to herself. Kili walked around and over to a tree to hide behind. Amanda sighed and looked over tot the tree.

" You really are useless at hiding." Amanda called out to Kili but he did not move. Amanda sighed heavily and sat down.

"I know Thorin sent you. He does not trust me, I get that! After all I am the girl that was chased by orcs and rescued!" Amanda said in defeat.

" I would not trust me either." She mumbled lowly.

" But I trust you." Kili said softly as he walked out from behind the tree. She smirked and looked from the tree back to Amanda.

" Am I really that bad." He asked her. Amanda just nodded softly.

" I knew you were there the whole time." Amanda giggled as Kili walked over to her, he sat down next to her on the root of a tree that was sticking out of the ground. They sat in a silence for a good few minutes. It was a comfortable silence allow Amanda to relax in a way for the first time since she arrived.

" Will you be joining us? On the quest?" Kili asked breaking with quiet.

" Well, it would seem so." Amanda smirked to him gently.

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