Chapter 6: Trolls

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"What are you then? An oversized squirrel?" One of the trolls asked as he held Amanda out in front of him. Amanda tried to wriggle out of his grasp,but his grip around her waist was tight, a little to tight. If he was to grip tighter then she would definitely have a broken rib or two."

" That is not of your concern and just called me a squirrel again!" Amanda growled to them and looked around for her sword.

" Then why did you set our food free?" Another troll asked her.

" Because, they were not your to begin with!" Amanda spat to him with a glare.

"Can we cook 'er?" The third one asked with a growl of hunger.

"We can try!" The one holding her growled and squeezed tighter. Amanda let out a squeal of pain as he crushed her rib. She both felt and heard snapping as he did.

"He wouldn't make more than a mouthful, not when he's skinned and boned!" The third troll groaned as they took out tools.

"Perhaps there's more around these parts. Might be enough for a pie." The second growled out staring hungry at Amanda as she winced in pain with every jerking movement.

"Are there any more of you little fellas 'iding where you shouldn't?" The second asked Amanda as she shook her head, her right eyes closed as if to try and dull down the pain from her broken ribs.

"Nope." Amanda groaned in pain.

"She's lying." The troll holding her yelled

"No I'm not!" Amanda called out trying to justify there is no one of her. It w particularly the truth as the others where not like her. Whatever race she was.

"Hold her toes over the fire. Make her squeal." One of the trolls suggested. The troll holding Amanda done as so and put the her over the flames so they reached up to her shins. Bracing herself for a burning she waited but nothing came. As Amanda looked down, Kili ran out from the bushes and cut the troll holding Amanda on the leg causing him to yelp, but he did not drop Amanda as he whimpered from the pain of the sudden action.

"Drop her!" Kili yelled with anger in his voice. He did not like how the trolls held in with their filthy hands.

"You what?" A troll yelled at him stepping forwards. Kili swung his sword and took a defensive stance.

"I said, drop her." Kili yelled as the troll holding her launched her at him. Amanda groaned in pain as she landed in Kili's arms.

" You alright?" Kili asked as the other dwarves jumped from the bushes and began to fight against the trolls. Amanda groaned heavily letting out a reluctant breath.

" Hunky dory." She breathed in pain to him as she pushed herself up to join in with the fighting. Kili wanted to say something but he did not get a chance as they were in the middle of a fight. Amanda rushed over sliding along the ground to avoid a trolls hand and grabbed Kili's sword she had taken earlier.

She rushed through the fighting, swinging her sword in twisting motions along with her body in such grace, that it was almost as thought she was dancing. She jumped a few time to avoid attacked and fallen dwarves. Kili stopped and looked at the fire in the centre of the battle. It seemed to dance along with Amanda, the flames grew higher and higher until the burst free and swirled around np with Amanda's sword. But this lasted for only a moment as she came to a stop and the flames vanished.

" Bilbo!" Amanda yelled looked up at the trolls holding Bilbo by the arms and legs.

"Bilbo!" Kili yelled as well. Everyone stopped and looked up to Bilbo and moved to form a protective barrier around Amanda. She rolled her eyes with a groan and quickly clutched her side as a sharp pain shocked through her.

"No!" Thorin yelled in frustration at the hobbits capture.

"Lay down your arms, or we'll rip his off." A trolled yelled and he chuckled to himself happy that they had won. Thorin looked to Bilbo and the put in sword into the ground angily. He was quickly followed by everyone, Kili and Amanda threw their sword a little more harshly as they annoyance.

" Put them in the sacks!" The trolls orders as they stripped the dwarves out of their clothes and into their underwear. They were about to do the same with Amanda but she glared at them.

" You will lose your head." She growled to him as he back off and just shoved her into a sack. They threw her onto the pile of dwarves while others were tied to post that was above the fire. Amanda groaned heavily in pain as she breathing hitched. Kili looked to her with a worried look.

" Amanda? Your in pain. Are you injured?" Kili asked worryingly as all of the dwarves looked to her and could see her pale face.

" I think I may have a broken rib or two." Amanda groaned as she tried to breath but she was in a lot of pain. Kili frowned as he knew broken ribs can lead to serious consequences if left untreated.

" Try to keep breathing slowly, no sudden movements." Thorin told her as she nodded.

" The pain is too much, I can't-I..." Amanda said trailing off as her head hung on Kili's lap. He nudged her trying to get her too move.

" Amanda?" Kili asked her but she did not move.

" She passed out." Thorin said lowly looking to Kili.

" This is both good and bad. Do not worry, she will be fine." Thorin tried to reassure his nephew, but Kili was too concerned for Amanda to even think about anything else as Bilbo began talking to the trolls.

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