Chapter 12: What?

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A group of seven elven guards on horseback from Rivendell patrolled the Ford river, not too far from Rivendell. Their horses hooves beat agains the pebble riverbank as they scouted the area to make sure there was no orcs.

" Over here!" An elf guard yelled out to the company. They all spun their horses around and rushed over to the guard. He was dismounted and kneeling next to a body that was next to the river.

" Who is she?" Their leader ask him.

" I do not know." As he placed a hand onto the small woman's chin to till her head towards them. Her eyes snapped opened and widened as the woman launched her fist at the elf. She caught him by surprised and smacked him in the jaw. She pushed herself to her feet and back away looking up at the large beings on large horses. The elf she punched held his jaw and clambered to his feet. The woman back away and turned around running off quickly in fear. Her breathing was heavy and she could hear the pounding of the horses behind her. She knew they would catch her easily and they did. They circled her stopping her from going anywhere. She looked around at the elves as they stopped their horses and aimed their now loaded bow at her.

" Amanda!" Bofur yelled he and almost every other dwarf tried to wake her but fail. He sighed and looked to the others.

" Come on, she will wake on her own. Let's go and take a bath!" Bofur cried as and the others walked out the room. Amanda was given her own room, but ended up falling asleep with them last night. The men all left and Bilbo went else where, not really fancying bathing with dwarves. Kili was the only one to stay behind as she sat on a seat and waited for them to leave him and Amanda alone. He stood up and walked over to her, laying down next to her small frame. He pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest. He kissed her head and sighed. Just holding her like this made him feel whole. It made his heart feel complete and warm.

" I lurve yhow." She groaned against his chest as he chuckled.

" And I love you." Kili answered back a she snuggled closer to his chest. Amanda lifted her head and looked to him. Kili looked down to her and leaned further down to place his lips onto hers gently.

" Good morning, my love." He whispered as Amanda chuckled gently.

" I could get used to waking up like this." She said kissing him again.

" Where are the others?" She mumbled gently as he sighed tightening his embrace around her.

" Bathing." He said as Amanda giggle.

" That would be a sight." She muttered to him and he laughed.

" Trust me. Not something your eyes should ever see." Kili said with a protectively growl under the words. Amanda sighed and silence fell upon them.

" I'm hungry." She muttered gently as Kili sighed with a chuckle.

" Come on then. Let's get that belly of yours filled. You need it. Your too small." Kili smirked as he tickled her. Amanda burst into laughed her she tried to stop him.

" No stop! I seriously will not be held responsible for any injuries you will sustain if you continued!" She yelled between breaths. Kili stopped and stood up to hover over Amanda as she lay on her back looking up to him. He put her hands out and he took them, he then quickly lifted her to her feet. She crashed into his chest and she wrapped her arms around his middle. They hugged and then kiss before walking down the halls again. They laughed as they pushed each other. But they stopped when they heard the sound of an elven horn echoed through the valley. Amanda looked in the direction and saw the group of elves riding over the bridge.

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