Chapter 4: Bets

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Amanda sighed heavily as she held a silver sword in her hand. It was not too heavy but weight enough that it would hurt someone if dropped. Thorin stood in front of her with a sword of his own watching her examine the blade in her own hands.

" Whenever you are ready." Thorin growled lowly to her as she swung the sword and took a defensive stance.

" No no, after you. I insist." Amanda smirked to the prince.

" Very well." Thorin replied as he stepped forward and their sword clashed loudly.

" My bet is on Thorin." Gloin said as he and a lot of dwarves bet on Thorin to win this fight. Everyone but Bofur, Gandalf, Bilbo, Kili and Bombur all placed their bets on Thorin. Bofur, Gandalf, Bilbo, Kili and Bombur had said that they thought Amanda might have a good chance on winning.

" Your good. But not good enough." Thorin growled and rushed over to her bring his sword down to her head which she blocked. But what she never expected was for him to take out her legs with his, causing her to land on the ground. Thorin placed the point of his sword at her chest.

" You fight good, but not good enough." Thorin smirked as everyone who had placed their bets on him cheered. Amanda sighed and relaxed her head on the ground, she closed her eyes and took in a breath. Everything slowed down and Amanda thought over her next moves. She thought over what her action was too be and with Thorin's reacts would be and how to counter them. Once she was happy with everything she snapped her eyes open. She clashed her sword against his and pushed it out the road. Pushing herself up she swung her feet to Thorin's legs and took them out. He landed with a thud still unable to register exactly what was happening to him. Amanda quickly jumped up onto her feet and placed a single foot onto his chest holding him down. She pointed her sword to his chest with a smirk.

" I'm sorry... Never quite caught what you said." Amanda smirked to the dumb founded Thorin. Everyone went quiet for a moment in amazement.

" What did I tell you! Never underestimate woman!" Bofur yelled happily as he stood up cheering and catching his winnings. Amanda chuckled and removed her blade point from Thorin's chest as put a hand out for him. He took it and Amanda helped pull him up.

"You fight well. " Thorin complimented her with a smile and pat on her shoulder, before he turned to Gandalf.

" Very well, she can join us. But, I want Kili with her at all times." Thorin told Gandalf who smiled and nodded pleased with himself.

" Very well." Gandalf said as everyone began to pack up their belongings.

" You fight well for a lady. Eh, not that that means anything. I just have never seen a lady fight before." Bilbo's said trying not to sound horrible but felt like he was failing at such. Amanda giggled softly and placed a hand onto his shoulder.

" Do not worry, I know exactly what you mean. Thank you, I bet you could fight too." Amanda smirked to him but he just shook his head frantically and looked to the ground.

" Me? No, no. I have never even touched a sword in my whole life, never mind fighting with one." Bilbo said with a sigh looking back up to her.

" Well, we may have to change that. Because unfortunately, wither you like it or not. You will have to fight on this quest. To protect yourself." Amanda said to him with a hint of saddens coating her voice as she turned to look at Kili, Fili and Thorin all talking to each other.

" And to protect those who you hold dear." Amanda finished off and looked back to him. There was no smile on her face as she remember what was to happen once they reclaim Erebor. She quickly took the thought away from her mind and smiled back to Bilbo.

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