Chapter 9: Hunted

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The company all gathered around pushing Amanda and Bilbo to the back. Amanda was really getting tired of being treated like she could not take cure of herself. But she pushed Bilbo behind her slightly because she knew he could not fight. Just then Radagast came bursting out from behind the trees.

" Theives! Fire! Murder!" He yelled as his cart came to a stop as everyone somewhat relaxed.

" Radagast! Pits Radagast the brown." Gandalf smiled gentle with a sigh. Amanda relaxed and sheathed her sword and looked to Kili. It was then she realised just how handsome he was. How when he looked at her, he could do nothing but smile. She turned around already knowing all of the conversation Gandalf was about to have and began to climb up a small steep hill. Kili smirked and followed after her. When she reached the top she looked over beyond the trees and saw the vast open lands that lay ahead. It was indeed a stunning view.

" Beautiful." Amanda smiled softly as Kili walked up behind her.

" Indeed." He muttered lowly walking to her right side and looking out as well. Amanda pointed in a direction that had a large cliff face.

" Rivendell is that way." Amanda smiled softly as Kili sighed heavily.

" Why do you hate the elves so much? They are kind." Amanda asked him.

" I don't mind them. But I do not particularly like them. It's my uncle who hates them." Kili said with a frown on his face. Amanda nodded softly and looked to the ground.

" That uncle of yours is a hard head." Amanda told him with a chuckle.

" Oh I know believe me." Kili chuckled in return. A gust of wind whipped past them causing Amanda's hair to fly all over. She reached up to hold it back out of her face.

" Can you not braid your hair? It would be a lot easier?" Kili said as he watched her fix it again.

" I can, just not on my own hair." Amanda muttered with a slight blush on her cheek. Kili chuckled at her embarrassment and looked to the ground then back at her as she looked to him.

" Next we make camp, I will do it for you." He said with a smile. Amanda nodded gently in thanks as they heard their names being call down.

" You first." Kili said as they walked to the edge of the steep hill. They slipped down the hill easily and stood by everyone, Gloin was striking his fire making stones together in boredom. Amanda smirked as a thought came to her head. It may or may not work, but it was worth a try. When he hit the next spark, Amanda flicked her hand and the spark exploded in a small blast scaring Gloin.

" did you jus- did you just see that? What? How..... Amanda..." Gloin grumbled looking to her as she smiled innocently to him. He glared causing Kili to send him a glare back as Amanda walked by the back of him towards Bilbo who was pacing for some reason. But before she could make it next to him a howl was heard echoing through the air. Everyone stopped and looked around them with fear.

"Was that a wolf? Are there--are there wolves out there?" Bilbo asked with fear as he raised his sword. Amanda stepped over to him only to be stopped by Kili's hand pulling her behind him.

Wolves? No, that is not a wolf." Bofur said as a Warg from the steep hill Amanda and Kili had just climb down from. It landed in the middle of the company pushing Kili and Amanda over onto their backs. Thorin quickly kills it with his elvish blade. But another appeared from behind him. Amanda pulled an arrow at the same time as Kili and they both released them, hitting their targets. Dwalin jumped up and finished off the warg before it could go anywhere.

"Warg-Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind." Thorin yelled to them as he rushed around checking everyone was alright.

"Orc pack?" Bilbo asked worry coating his voice. Amanda pushed Kili off her and walked over to him.

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