The feels, Part 1 (AKA Chapter 5)

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This really hit home with me:

When someone identifies with their favorite character(s), it says a lot about them. Whenever someone says "This is so me" believe them. Sometimes liking a character that they identify with is the closest thing to catching a glimpse of who they really are. Never tell anyone that they are talking about their favorite character too much, because deep down, that could be the only thing helping them battle their deepest insecurities. Even fictional characters can make a difference. It doesn't matter that they're "not real".


People's favorite characters often reflect their personalities, or who they wish they were.

Then u look at a cute, seemingly innocent little person and their favorite character is like a coldhearted murderer and it's like:

DAM oh we're doomed.

(and then I look at myself and go OH BOY I am slightly concerned about myself now)

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